Late nights spent with you - MaxNeil

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(A/N the kids in this are 16-17 and still come to camp! Thanks if you're reading this, i hope you like it and I hope you have a nice Day or rest of your night)
I stare at the blank ceiling of the tent above me and it stares back, and thoughts crowd my mind. All I can think about is him, and his big blue eyes and his gorgeous smile, his fluffy hair that I could spend hours playing with, not caring about anything in the world. But I know that could never happen. He's as straight as the pole Nikki's mum dances on. Tears threaten to spill over my face, but I blink them away. I'd wake him up. He'd ask what's wrong, and I'd have to make up a lie about why I'm crying into my pillow at 2:48am. I don't like lying to him.

——Time skip brought to you by Mariah Carey singing all I want for Christmas——-

The faint glow of the autumn-leaf like sun fills my sight of vision as I let out a barely audible sigh. I've stayed up all night again. God damn it, Neil, if it weren't for your stupid perfect everything then I wouldn't have developed a crush on you in the first place! Wait.... did i just admit that? Am I.... gay? I can't be! My parents would kill me! But then again, who cares about them right? If they truly love me they'll accept me!

I groan in annoyance as I hear David's ridiculously cheery voice call out through the camp.

"Goood Morning Campers!"

I want to scream.

I get myself up for once, knowing there isn't much point in staying in bed anyway if I'm already up. I make my way to the mess hall, and Neil catches up with me.

"You're up early for once" he says, making small talk on our way there

" eh, I was already awake because of how stupidly early the sun rises. Ugh" I reply, trying to keep calm and trying to stay the same arsehole I've always been rather than exploding because I'm having a one-on-one talk with Neil.

Once we get to the mess hall, Nikki sits down with us and Neil and Nikki start talking about something really boring. Boats or something like that? I don't know. All I remember is being really tired and suddenly everything going black.

In standing in a forest, and Neil is in front of me, holding my hand. He's guiding me somewhere.... but where? He takes me up a hill, and there's beautiful vines and leaves everywhere, the trees going sky high. He guides me up and up a mountain, and I gasp in awe because of all the great views. I can see for miles!
He takes me to the top and we finally reach a hill. He pulls me down to sit next to him after he settles down on a rock, watching the sunset cover the magnificent view. He pulls me closer towards him, and puts his arm around me as I snuggle into his arm. He tilts my chin up and starts to lean in......

I wake up to hear a familiar voice whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

"You're too cute" "I love you so much""you don't know how much I want to kiss you right now"

I feel a warmth spread over my face and I just know that I'm going red. I look up.


He looks down on me, and I see the terror in his eyes as he realises that I heard what he said and looks down to see the situation we were in. We were back in our tent on his bed, and my torso was curled into his chest, with our legs intertwined and my hands on his heart. We both go a tomato red and I feel his heart pounding as I lean in to his ear.

"I love you too...."

He then quickly takes the back of my head and slams his lips into mine as we share a love - filled, passionate kiss that we both know that we needed. We stayed up late that night, talking about how much we loved each other and how long it had been since we first developed a crush on one another. It was sweet bliss.

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