-Aliens are here-

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AU where there's an alien invasion

Max's POV

They're here. Then said I was crazy. They said it wasn't possible. But who's laughing now? Certainly not them.

I stare at the shape floating in the air in awe, watching as it landed gently on the ground. A long, curved path falls into the ground with a loud clank. Well that was less graceful than expected. Three figures step out onto the pathway, and smoke stats swirling around them. Dramatic entrance, I like it. The anime clears, and three centaur- looking things swagger down the lit path. God, they look like they're out on the town in a strip club. As soon as they get closer I see that they are kind of a cross between a centaur and a cyclops?  What kind of cyclops falls in love with a centaur? What do they have in common? "The top half" said Neil when I asked him.

2 hours later
I'm in a straight jacket, next to neil, in what seems to be a room that's made out of pillows. Huh, the more you know. A centaur-cyclops is talking to (more like interrogating if you ask me) us. Neil just can't seem to keep his mouth shut, being the Gaylord that he is. The cyclops thingy is, unfortunately, handsome. He may have the best hair I've ever seen - and trust me I've seen some good hair. He has stuck to ALL the three s' and he's done it very well. And the three s' are:
Smart, slick and sexy.

I try head butting Neil to shut him up but he just won't close his mouth, he's such a fucking spoon. Neil looks down at me after the headbutt. God he's beautiful, too bad he's now fallen in love with a fucking centaur cyclops, the idiot.

A/N- I'm sorry about how short it is and how little I've posted In a while, I'm just busy with school and all that. It's half term for 2 weeks now so hopefully I can update more often. This was just a oneshot because of today in DEAR (Drop Everything And Read - ik, it's pretty dumb) time  we had to write about an alien invasion, so you can thank my school for this. Thanks for reading

~ Me

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