-Games night p2-

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After the truth or dare cards ran out, people where pretty lost on what to do with their time, not to mention that things where REALLY awkward. Some of the truths where things like 'if you could choose, which celebrity would you screw?' And 'what is the dirtiest thing you have thought of about a teacher.' The dares where pretty horrid too, with things like 'lick the person opposite you from their neck to their forehead.'

But now the campers where bored, until Dolph (surprisingly) had an idea.
"Let's play Paranoia" he said in his unnaturally German accent.
"What the fuck is Paranoia" asked Max, obviously not familiar with the game, in his usual, pissed off tone.
"Okay" started Dolph, "first, you whisper a question into the ear of the person on your right. Then, you have to say the answer out loud, after that you get a coin and flip it. If the coin says heads you have to say the question out loud, if it says tails you leave everyone wondering what the question is, ergo the name 'Paranoia'"

"Ok let's light this ish on fire" Nikki shouts in her usual, up-beat tone.

Spacekid goes first, whispering a question into Harrison's ear, making Harrison go red all over.
"I'm not answering that!" He splutters, turning redder and redder as time passes.
Spacekid looks at him with a smirk "you have to. Those are the rules." He says simply.
"Ughhh fine" Harrison sighs before saying "Nerris."
They flip a coin, everyone watching in anticipation, wanting to know what the question is. They look at the coin. Heads.
"Fuck!" Harrison cries before mumbling " this game is rigged."
They all look at spacekid in anticipation.
"And the question was... drumroll please.......Who is your secret crush?"
Everyone looks shocked as they all turn to Nerris, and see her face go a bright crimson before she covers her face with her hands in embarrassment. Harrison, face also bright red, turns to her and gently pulls her hands down from her face and pulls her onto his lap, her almost immediately curling up into him as if he was a cuddly teddy bear. The rest of the night was full of laughter and embarrassing secrets, with a dash of strange confessions.

Let's just say, maybe the coin was rigged.

A/N I know it's short but Iran our of inspiration and I really wanna write a different one since I have a really good idea, I just don't like it when I have drafts in my story writing place-thingy for some reason

- flannel-and-me

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