A Gaze in the rain

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Trigger Warming: Slight bullying
Max POV:
I sit in the bus stop, on my way back from Neils house. I rest my head on my hands. How could i be so stupid? OF COURSE i couldn't tell him how i feel! He wouldn't understand! A loud groan escapes my lips as i remember what happened to cause me to leave my best friends house of 5 years in the first place.

I knock at the door patiently while waiting for him to come to the door, stomping my foot to the beat of the music blaring through my headphones. Looking around to see if anyone is around, i start drumming the air, enjoying the last of my time alone with the rhythm vibrating through my body. Finally the door swings open, and there stands the prettiest man i've ever seen, who i'm sad to call my best friend. I've had a crush on him since we were at camp together as kids, and still he's oblivious  as ever. i look at him up and down, memorising him as this, longing for him to just take me into his arms and hold me, kiss me and tell me it's all going to be alright. But we both know it's not. Not after we have this conversation. I study his hard jawline, sharp enough to cut ice like Kristof from Frozen. His plump lips, always chapped. Doesn't he know what chapstick is? Jesus fucking christ. This is the man i'm in love with. My eyes travel down to his collar, and a bit of collarbone is showing through his tight-fit shirt. Before i can go any lower, my eyes find their way back up, right into his blue eyes, like galaxies and universes all in one single orb. You could be captured in them, but you would never be lost. His eyes make you feel like home, and the colour of them is like a warm safety blanket that is thrown over you to make you feel safe and comforted when you meet him.
"Hey, Max - come on in" he turns to me as i'm snapped out of the eternity which is his eyes.
"yeah, sure" i say, nodding to him and taking one of my earbuds out. I decide to get straight to the point.
"Look, Neil. I came here for one thing and one thing only. i need to tell you something" I blurt out. oh god what if he hates me for this? you know what? No. If he can't accept me for who i am then he's not worth my time. And if he leaves, then at least i'll know he leaves with knowing.
"And what might that be Max? he asks, starting to fidget with the rubix cube he keeps in his room when he gets anxious. God, he's adorable when he does that.
"i like you okay? i'm also gay." I blurt out, and as soon as the words leave my lips i realise my mistake.
Neil looks over at me, a mixture of anger, confusion and horror in his eyes.
"Get our of my house" He mumbles, the words barely leaving his mouth. But i still heard. I always hear.
"I-i'm sorry?" i ask, playing dumb to give him at least another chance at a reaction. Giving him time to at least think about his reaction. I guess that wasn't good enough for him.
" i said get out. GET THE FUCK OUT YOU FREAK" He screams, shoving me out the door, punching me and shouting at me. All i can do is stand there in shock and take it. Take all the hate and abuse he's throwing my way. I'm not going to fight him. I can't do that.... not to him.....
I find myself putting my earbuds back in and bringing my hood up, just to feel the raindrops of the dark clouds above me land on my face anyway. I wander to the bus stop and push my head back against the back wall. How could i be so stupid? of course he would freak out.....

I flinch at the memory of it, wondering why people are so cruel? Why don't people just accept people for who they are?
I stare around at the full world around me as the rain pours, drowning out the plants and causing anarchy for drivers all around the area. I stare at a little plant in the corner, all alone. I smile. There's such beauty in such little things, like the tiniest flower that most people would think of as a weed.
I see my bus pull up. I'm sad to go, i'd like to see that plant grow, but i know as soon as i leave someone will walk over it and assume it's a weed and worthless of life. Nothing is not worthy of life. But life must go on.
I walk up to the bus, taking out my earbuds only to hear heavy panting and breathing from behind me. I turn around, and see Neil. His eyes look red and puffy and his hair is all messed up. In that moment, i can feel my heart wrenching out of my chest, and it pounding harder and harder. My eyes fill with longing and hope as i stare at him, mouth slightly agape and dishevelled from the recent happenings.
"MAX- wait.... please...." he pants, His arms leaning on his legs. He looks pathetic,,,, but i want to protect him so badly.
But i must be strong.
"What do you want, Neil. I think you've made it pretty clear on what you think about me" I spat coldly, and i see the hurt in his eyes as he stares into mine.
I block out the background noise of the world as i just stare at him. He steps forward. One after the other. I feel my heart beating harder and heavier, my breathing becomes hitched as he becomes closer and closer, until his breath is on my ear.
"I like you too, Max" He whispers into my ear, his breath shaky and rasped.
" i was just afraid. I was afraid of my parents and i was being stupid"
He takes my hand in his and my breath becomes hitched as he tilts my head up wit his hand. I can still feel the rain pouring on my face, but i wouldn't have it any other way.
He brings his face towards mine, until his lips are barely touching mine.
"so if you would let me....." he starts, my face growing redder. I nod frantically, and he pulls me closer and gently places his lips on mine. I smile into it, and laugh as the rain pours down. And it's almost as if suddenly, the full world seems a bit more colourful

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