Rambling - MaxNeil

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-Max POV-
I sit their listening to the sound of Neils voice ramble on. It's really annoying. He's talking about something or other where i'm a demon and he's trying to get rid of me, bla bla bla.

Ugh this is getting boring. Why can't he just shut up for once? Like, the fuck???

Anyway. Waves of boredom wash over me as I tune out to the world around me. He doesn't care about me anyway, he's in his own little world and can't be bothered to even pay attention to his best friend of four years. Wow. This is really fun.

His annoying voice drones on, becoming more and more unbearable. Why does such a perfect boy have to have such a wining voice???

It's not only his voice that's frustrating, it's also the fact that he's so oblivious that he still can't see the fact that I've been in love with him since I was 10. So yeah, that's always fun. We love that so much.

I eventually get bored of sitting there and doing nothing but stare at Neil, so I strut the stuff my momma gave me and leave the room with the unbearable voice, my ears finally hearing nothing but the sweet release of an ear-piercing voice. Ah, the bliss.

But Somethings wrong. My head feels wrong. I'm too tired, too dizzy to function. I feel as if I'm going to faint any moment, the pain of a searing headache becoming the only thing I'm able to feel. I'm not usually one who wishes for death, life is value. I can get more from living than dying, but all I wanted then, in that moment, was for the sweet release of darkness washing over me and for me to slip away in that moment as the terrifying bliss of death let me fade away into nothingness. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I did end up slipping away though. I fainted, my eyes fluttering closed as the piercing pain still poked and pointed at me, singing it's taunting song of pain.

I woke up the next day, my head throbbing and my brain confused. Where am I? What happened? Why do I feel so dazed? Turns out, I did not say those sentences in my head, as I intended, because as soon as I woke up Neil was at my side. Wonderful, beautiful Neil. The person I love. The person I don't have enough balls to confess to because I know that he's as straight as a ruler. That's made of metal. And that cannot be broken or melted or bent. Whereas I, and as straight as a circle. Also Known As: not at all straight. As straight as my straight A's. Which is none. Please help, I'm a failing student.

Anyway, back by to the point. Neil's at my side, and I can't help but think : ' wow he's so beautiful. So majestic. I wish he was like me'.

Then his eyes go wide.

And at that moment I realised.

Shit. I fucked up.

"I-I gotta go. I have an aunt that needs calling?" I say, hoping to get out of this situation, hoping he'll just leave me alone and let me cry myself to sleep for revealing something I didn't want to.

"No, max. What do you mean in wish he was like me'" he answers, not once breaking eye contact. Oh lord, how much I wanna just get lost every night in those eyes.

It's moments like these that I really am super gay.

"I- Uh - well - you know..... I'm not exactly straight? And I have a super big crush on you and I wanna hold your hand and be with you all the time because you're so gorgeous and smart and amazing and perfect and oh god I'm rambling aren't I? Well I didn't mean to reveal myself like that... obviously you don't like me like that because you're straighter than a very stabilised pole stuck in the ground only for the knowledge that it would remain straight, whereas I - in the other hand - am as straight as when you cut a piece of paper in art that you're supposed to cut the edges but you end up cutting a circle around the whole picture. I'm sorry I'm talking a lot ok I'm gonna stop talking now you majestic piece of ass" I ramble on, now afraid that he'll punch me right in the face and tell me to keep the hell away from him and that I'm a freak.

"Max - I- "
"No. Don't say anything... I know you don't feel the same w- "

He cuts me off with a kiss, so full of passion and evergrowing love that I can't help but kiss back, knowing this is the moment I'd been waiting for, that I've dreamt of. I savour every moment, feeling the pure bliss of sharing a kiss with the person I'm in love with. It all ends too soon. He pulls away, just to get pulled back in by the collar, and kissing him once again.

"I love you....."

"I love you too...."

All I could think about that night was a thank god for the rambling mouth I was cursed with....

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