A speck in the Kool-Aid (Danvid, as per request)

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A/N: i'm sorry if this is bad - im probably really bad at portraying both characters and i haven't written in a while but i'll give it a shot

Daniels POV:
Finally, the perfect plan. I can now take over Camp Campbell with no worry whatsoever. No worry about that little twerp, Max - or his two minions. I have the perfect plan, and then they'll see. Then they'll know who they messed with.

The first thing i do is take my rat poison (which actually has a sort of hypno-potion inside it so i can have the whole of the camp under my command) and sneak over to behind the mess hall, where i see two red tanks, that look like they're filled to the brim with a clear liquid. That must be the water. I take my box of rat poison and dump it in, making sure that it makes the water turn a murky purple colour before anything else.

I turn around, only to see him. Auburn hair that sticks up on top, big forest green eyes that match his personality and a yellow bandanna hanging loosely around his neck.

"Daniel... what are you doing here?" he interrogates.

I gulp as he takes a step towards me, and i take a step back. This keeps going until i'm up against the back of the mess hall, and i can feel the ridges in the wood pushing against my spine.

I gulp.

"i said.... what are you doing here." he says again, venom filling his voice.

And just to get him to step away.

Just to get him to stop interrogating me, and definitely not because i want to.

I kiss him.

His lips are soft against mine, and he melts into it. That was unexpected. He smells like pine trees and cinnamon, and he tastes like cherry chapstick.

Before he can push back, i bolt. I run as far as i can.

David's POV:
I stare at the blank space that was once filled with blue eyes and blonde spiked hair that i hate to love, and touch my lips. I can't believe he did that. I turn around and see him bolt into the woods. Oh no. He does not get to get away with this.

I run after him, for once not caring what the campers would think and going after him for myself. I see him trying to get into the bunker on the woods floor and catch his hand and spin him round to face me.

"oh no you don't" i say through ragged breath, and i kiss him.

He smells like rat poison and all things bad but he tastes like blueberries in the midst of summer.

I like this.

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