Cherry lips - MaxNeil

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Neil's POV
My heart was racing. Fast. Air grasping for air which grasped for air in my lungs, mind set on one person. Only one.
Green eyes. They aren't a special type of green though. They're the green you'd find in a swamp on a particularly soggy day. Not anything special, but definitely unusual.
I let my mind wander. Not much to let it do anyways.
It always goes back to the same person. Funny how that happens, isn't it? When everything that happens reminds you of them. I wonder how that even happens. One minute you're thinking of a line from your favourite tv show and then the next you're thinking about how the person you adore would laugh their ass off at that line.
Or how the way the clear blue sky on a summer's day against the emerald green leaves of the forest trees looks just like his eyes when they're really excited about a scheme or a plot or anything that he thinks up in that incredible mind of his.

Or the way that the knife slices at the brambles and thorns in your way reminds you of the way you're gonna slit anyones throat who even does so much as think they can lay a single fucking finger on him.

Max's POV
He's running, i can feel it..
The rumble in the earths core, the smell of the air, the soft pitter patter of rain falling from leaf to leaf and eventually onto the soiled ground. It all leads back to him.

I can feel him close by, ready to pounce and beat the shit out of me.
I knew he would never like me.
Why did i even try?
I told him i wasn't going to wait around.
Let's see what fate has for us.


"Nikki, i need you to tell Neil how i feel... tell him i won't be waiting around for an answer. He'll see me when he'll see me, okay?"
"Uh sure, max - but - where are you going? It's the middle of the school year silly!"
"I'm sorry, Nikki, but I can't tell you.."
"Okay, Max, I understand..."
"Bye, Nik. In another lifetime"

*Flashback over*

Neil's POV

I finally come to a clearing and see him. My love.
My forever.
I run full force and clash with him, holding him and squeezing and not letting him go. I don't care if he breaks, he's mine.
I wrap my arms around him and bury my head in his hair, smelling the coconut shampoo and drinking him all in while i still can.

"My forever..." i mumble
"W-what?" max replies, flustered.
"You're my forever, and you're mine - got that? Don't go and don't leave me and nik all alone you dummy! I love you and i don't want to let you go. Do you hear that??? Is that going through your thick skull at all???"
I'm shaking him by the shoulders, tears filling my eyes and streaming down my face.
"You're mine" i shudder, "all mine."

Lips clash with mine. Cold on warm. Sweet, cherry lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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