Sam Golbach | First Date

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Summary: you and sam go on your first date

Warnings: None

Word Count: 537

"Y/n, why are you pacing the room like that?" Reggie asks walking into your room

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"Y/n, why are you pacing the room like that?" Reggie asks walking into your room.

"Oh my god, Reggie, I thought you were sam."

"Oh, but seriously what's happening?"

You sit down on the bed, "My first date with Sam is in three hours. I'm freaking out."

"Oh my gosh. This is exciting! Whatcha wearing?"

You sighed, feeling overwhelmed by the number of options in front of you. 'That's the issue! I have nothing to wear!' you said, stressing. 'And I suck at doing makeup and hair.'

Reggie shrugged. 'Hey, that's what friends are for. I can call up Tara, Kat, and Xypher, Devyn for you.'

'You would be a lifesaver, thanks, Reg,' you said, feeling a bit of relief wash over you.

A few moments later, the girls all arrived, immediately setting to work on picking out the perfect outfit and makeup.

'Do you think Sam likes natural or all out?' you asked, still uncertain.

Kat smiled, swiping on your foundation. 'Well, I know from dating him that he doesn't really mind either,' she said. 'But it's up to you, girly.'

Xypher then pulled out a cute but comfortable outfit. 'What about this?' she asked, holding it up for your inspection.

'Yeah, that's good,' you said, seeing yourself in the mirror. 'I'll go with that.'

After you changed, Kat put the final touches on your makeup, and you checked the clock to find that you still had half an hour before you had to leave.

'Geez, I still have half an hour,' you said, your nerves starting to return."

"We could play truth or truth. Or regular truth or dare."

"I'd rather not do any dares before my date..."



The thirty minutes went by faster than you thought. Sam was waiting for you down stairs wearing a yellow shirt and pants

'Hey, you ready?' Sam asked, his eyes shining with excitement.

You took Sam's hand, feeling a flutter of butterflies in your stomach as you both headed out the door.

'Yeah, I am,' you replied, smiling at him. 'You look nice, by the way.'

Sam grinned, his cheeks reddening slightly. 'Thanks,' he said. 'You look beautiful, Y/n.'

His compliment made you blush, and you could feel a warmth spreading through your chest. 'Thank you, Sam,' you said, feeling more confident than ever as you both climbed into his car.


After the movie, you both went home and he came into your room to hang out for a little.

"I had a lot of fun, tonight. Thanks for everything," you tell him and kiss his cheek.

Sam smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. 'I had a lot of fun, too,' he said, returning your kiss on the cheek. 'We should definitely do that again.'

You nodded, a warmth spreading through you at his words. 'Yeah, hey, uh...' you began, your voice a bit shaky. 'Do you wanna stay here tonight? I mean, I get it if it's too much on the first date. We don't have to do anything.'

Sam's blush deepened, but his smile remained. 'No, yeah, I'll stay,' he said, nodding. 'Just let me go get changed.'

𝐒𝐀𝐌 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐁𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now