Brandon Gross | Lost At Sea

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Summary: Based on the diving with great white shark video

Warnings: none

Word count: 626

The chilly San Francisco air swirled around you as you listened to Elton intro the video.

"We are currently headed under the Golden Gate Bridge, and to hopefully see some sharks," he said, his voice excited.

You, however, were less than thrilled. "Oh you know what? I forgot, I had to meet up with an old friend for lunch today," you joked, wrapping another blanket around yourself in an attempt to combat the frigid temperature.

Elton chuckled, shooting you a knowing look. "Oh yeah, I'm sure."


As the boat arrived at its destination, the temperature seemed to drop even further. You pulled the blanket tighter around you, thinking to yourself that you definitely hadn't dressed properly for this trip. Someone should have warned you! Oh well.

The men on the boat worked quickly to throw the shark cage into the water, creating a massive splash that drenched you and the others.

"Bro! That's freaking cold!" you exclaimed, your teeth beginning to chatter as the freezing water soaked into your clothes.

As you stood on the boat, shivering from the cold and nerves, Brandon turned to you with a gentle smile.

"You nervous?" he asked, his voice calm and reassuring.

"Hell yeah! Bro, I'm not tryna die today," you admitted, a nervous laugh escaping your lips.

Brandon chuckled, his grip on your shoulder a comforting presence. "You won't die," he promised.

The instructors worked efficiently, helping you and the others into the shark cage one by one. Before you knew it, you were submerged in the water, surrounded by three massive sharks. The sight was awe-inspiring, yet terrifying.

"Holy shit," you whispered, gripping into Brandon's hand.

Finally, you surfaced, the cold air hitting your face with a sudden intensity. It felt strange to be back on the surface, yet there was a sense of relief as well. The thrill of the experience was still fresh, and as you looked at each other, you couldn't help but laugh.

Corey's enthusiasm was contagious as he eagerly asked, "Did you see any?"

You chuckled, your eyes still wide with excitement from the experience. "Bro. There's so many down there!"

However, as you were reminiscing about the sharks, you couldn't help but notice Elton's absent presence. He had been throwing up for the past two hours and was still curled up on the deck, looking green around the gills.

"How's Elton?" you asked Corey and Brandon, concern evident in your voice.

Corey's face fell. "Still not good."

"Damn," you sighed, casting a worried glance at your friend.

You made your way to Elton's side, finding him curled up in a ball, his face pale.

"Heeey, buddy. You okay?" you asked, a hand on his back.

Elton shook his head, groaning in response. It was clear he was feeling absolutely miserable.

"Thanks, I hope I do too," Elton replied weakly, his voice cracking slightly. You gave him a reassuring smile before rejoining the others.

As you walked back to the group, you noticed Jake was already prepping himself for his turn. He was wrapped in two towels, his face obscured by a mask that was undoubtedly protecting him from the cold. Corey, Brandon, and Corbin were in their own world, engrossed in a conversation you didn't bother to interrupt.

Walking up to Brandon, you smiled. "You know. I'm really glad I wore your hoodie today, It's quite comfy."

Brandon's eyes twinkled as he returned your smile. "Oh really? My hoodie?" he teased.

"Mhm!" you confirmed, rubbing your hands over the fabric for emphasis.

"You better not steal it," Brandon warned, a playful note in his voice.

You shrugged, a mischievous glint in your eye. "No promises!"

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