Reggie Webber | Exposed

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Summary: Based off of kevin's exposing reggie video

Warnings: None

Word Count: 700

a/n: thanks for requesting!! send in more if you want!!

"Hey everyone, today we've got Reggie, Jake's dad, here with us!" I smile, turning to Reggie.

"Yep, sounds a little strange when you say it like that, doesn't it?" Reggie chuckles, prompting Kevin and I to laugh as well.

"So Reggie, you know why we've brought you here today, right?" I ask.

"Uh huh, to be exposed, no doubt," Reggie sighs with a wry grin.

"That's correct, but don't worry—it's nothing too harsh!" I assure him.

"Oh, well that's good to hear," Reggie says, visibly relaxing.

"Yep, we're just here to have a bit of fun with some good-natured exposing!" Kevin chimes in.

"Eager to get started, huh?" I quip.

"Yup, let's dive into this exposing pool and make some waves!" Reggie replies, opening his phone to find the questions.

He chuckles, "You know what? They're pretty bad. Alright, here's the first one. 'Who has the better girlfriend, you or Jake?'"

"Well, that's easy, me!" Reggie winks at the camera, causing both Kevin and I to break out into fits of laughter. Kevin starts out a bit hesitant, but eventually joins in on the hilarity.

"Well, he sure is confident!" Kevin manages to choke out between laughs.

"Why is that?"

"Hmm. Well, she's amazing and I could go on about y/n but that would be a long time."

Kevin smiles, "next question!"

"how many girls have you hooked up with, in total?" I tilt my head, hoping that he skips the question. I really don't want to know.

"Ugh. Skip!"

Here's the next part of the dialogue:

"Alright, next question!" Kevin calls out, still smiling from the previous hilarity.

"How many girls have you hooked up with in total?" I tilt my head, hoping that Reggie decides to skip this particular question. I'm not particularly keen on knowing the details.

"Ugh, skip!" Reggie says with a grimace, to my relief.

"Last question, folks. Y/n, we need you to exit the room respectfully for this one," Kevin says, smiling at me in a way that only confuses me further.

"Uh, okay?..." I say as I get up to leave the room, my mind racing with possible reasons for why they'd need me to leave. Is it about me? It seems likely.

"Thank you, y/n! We'll be done soon," Kevin reassures me as I step out of the room, leaving them to finish up the video.

Reggie's cheeks turn pink as he grapples with answering the question, "I uh, yeah. I do think I'll end up proposing at some point. Not now though, we're both so young and still finishing up school. But yeah. I do believe we'll get married."

Kevin's face lights up with joy, "Awww, I'll be your best man, right?"

Reggie laughs and shakes his head, "I, I don't know about that."

"I'm just messing with you, man," Kevin chuckles. "But seriously, that's really sweet. I can totally picture you two standing at the altar now."

With a smile, Reggie nods. "Yeah, it's definitely something I think about."

"Well, folks, that's all we have for today's video!" Kevin exclaims. "Y/n, get back in here!"

You smile and reenter the room, eager to hear all about the last question.

You quickly return to the scene and position yourself behind the camera.

"Hey, come do the outro with us!" Kevin calls out.

"Me?" you ask, pointing to yourself in confusion.

"Yes you!" Reggie chimes in, motioning for you to come sit with them on the couch.

"Fine," you give in, taking a seat between the two.

"Well, folks. That was me exposing Reggie!" Kevin says into the camera, "It was mainly about his relationship, but that's okay. We love y/n."

You grin and respond, "Aw, love you too, Kev."

Reggie jokingly interjects, "Hey, hey! Don't steal my girl!" He playfully punches Kevin's arm.

"My bad, my bad," Kevin laughs, putting his hands up in defense. "Anyway, y'all, we'll see you next time!"

The camera stops rolling, and you all let out a collective sigh, a sense of camaraderie permeating the room.

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