Corbin reinhardt | Road Trip

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Summary: You and the boys go on a road trip

Warnings: none

Word count: 566

As the bus pulls up, your jaw drops at the sight of the massive tour bus that awaits you. You've never been in one of these, and judging by the expressions on your friends' faces, neither have they.

"Damn. This is insane!" Corey exclaims, making himself at home on one of the beds.

You nod your head in agreement. "I know right? Elton is insane."

Elton laughs as he climbs aboard the bus, responding with his characteristic good humor, "Thanks? I don't know if that's a compliment or not."

"It definitely is," you chuckle. You and Corbin move to the small couch near the kitchen, putting your feet up on the table, still a little in awe of the opulent surroundings.

Corey joins you, looking around in disbelief. "Dude, I feel like a rockstar in this thing."

You laugh and bump his shoulder playfully. "Better get used to it, this is going to be our new normal for the next few days."

Brandon, ever the clean freak, calls out from the kitchen area, "Heyyy! I'm gonna be eating there!"

"Whatever," you retort, amused by his reaction. You move your feet off the table, but Corbin keeps his firmly planted.

As you snuggle closer to him, the rest of the guys respond with a chorus of exaggerated gagging sounds. "Shut up, you guys are so annoying," you roll your eyes in mock annoyance.

"I am not annoying!" Corey protests, puffing out his chest in a comedic display of pride.

"Corey, you're the most annoying one of all," Brandon counters, smirking. "If it wasn't for me, you'd all be living in your own filth."

The discussion of the sleeping arrangements quickly turns into a humorous showdown between Brandon and the rest of you.

"Hey, uh... there's only one queen bed and the rest are twins," Brandon observes, his face betraying his annoyance at the obvious arrangement.

"We can take turns!" Elton suggests, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Ew, no," you retort, smirking at the absurdity of his suggestion. The thought of sharing a bed with anyone other than Corbin is laughable.

Brandon, realizing he's not going to win this one, rolls his eyes dramatically. "We aren't going to do anything!" he says, making air quotes with his fingers.

"That was just rude!" Corey interjects, laughing at the exchange.

You throw a pillow at Brandon, your laughter blending with that of your friends. "Sorry, I couldn't resist. You made it too easy!"

You notice Ginger's absence among the group and your expression softens. "Where's Ginger? I need a girls' day out with her," you say wistfully.

"She should be here any minute," Corbin reassures you, sensing your need for female companionship in this testosterone-filled tour bus. "Elton said she might be running a bit behind, but she's on her way."

The idea of a girls' day out sparks a new kind of excitement in you. "That's great!" you say, your eyes lighting up. "I can't wait. I feel like we haven't had a proper girl talk in ages."

Elton walks past you, heading toward the driver's seat. "You two are going to have to keep it PG, though. I don't want to hear anything I can't un-hear."

You and Corbin laugh at Elton's jest, anticipating the fun you'll have once Ginger arrives.

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