Corbin reinhardt | Biltmore Bound

908 17 2

Summary: You and the group take a trip to the Biltmore hotel

Warnings: none

Word count: 641

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"Alright, (name) and Corbin will be in one room, Corey and Brandon in another, and Evan and I in a third," Elton instructs, distributing the necessary equipment to each of you. "Hopefully we'll get some good evidence. If not, well, it'll be a total bust. But do your best and I'll see y'all in an hour or so."

You take your gear and follow Corbin into one of the main rooms, the thick air of anticipation and nerves making it hard to breathe. You've been through some strange paranormal experiences before, and while part of you hopes that nothing too bad will happen, another part of you craves the thrill.

"Here's to hoping we get something interesting tonight," Corbin says, fiddling with the equipment. You can tell that he's a bit nervous, but trying his best to hide it.

And with that, you begin your investigation, knowing that anything could happen in this haunted location.

"Ready?" You ask Corbin, your tone betraying a hint of apprehension.

"No," Corbin answers with a nervous chuckle, "but let's get this over with."

Together, the two of you place the Cat Balls in strategic locations, setting up your EVP and spirit box, hoping to capture something. You break the silence, addressing the room, "Is anyone with us? Can you make this device spike?"

The device suddenly lights up like a Christmas tree, spiking all the way to yellow, almost reaching red. A chill runs through you both, goosebumps sprouting on your skin.

"Damn," Corbin whispers under his breath. "I just got major chills."

"You sound like Corey," you tease, smirking at him.

"Shut up," Corbin playfully retorts, nudging you back with his elbow. The humor, however, does little to diminish the eerie atmosphere that has engulfed the room.

You pass the proverbial torch to Corbin, silently encouraging him to engage with the possible spirit.

"Are you a girl?" Corbin asks, his voice gentle, yet firm.

The device spikes to green, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from both of you. Corbin continues, his eyes darting around the room, seeking any sign of the unseen entity.

"Did you stay here?" he ventures, and the device responds with another spike.

"Is this your room?" Corbin queries, and the device spikes all the way to red, making your heart skip a beat.

"Holy crap, it went all the way to red!" you whisper, your excitement mixed with a healthy dose of unease.

You can't help but wonder what kind of events unfolded in this room for the spirit to react so strongly. As if in response to your thoughts, a sudden tug at your hood startles you, causing you to jump slightly.

"I felt that!" you gasp, aware of the distinct sensation against your hood. "That...that was definitely something."

Corbin gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, his arm wrapping protectively around you. "It's okay. I won't let anything happen," he whispers, his words a balm for your nerves.

You lean into him, taking comfort in his closeness as you attempt to steady your breathing. "Thanks," you say, mustering a small smile. "We can do this."

For the next two hours, you and Corbin remain there, sitting silently as the minutes tick by. With each passing second, the tension in the room grows more palpable, but the two of you persevere.

Finally, Elton returns, his appearance a welcome sight. "Alright, everyone! Time's up!" he announces, his voice echoing through the dimly lit room.

Relief washes over you. "Thank goodness!" you exclaim, standing up and stretching your cramped muscles. "Let's get the hell out of here!"

Corbin grins, taking your hand as you follow Elton out of the room, leaving behind the eerie atmosphere and the lingering presence of the mysterious spirit.

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