Corey Scherer | Paris Catacombs

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Summary: The Paris Catacombs isn't what you'd thought it be. (elton is your brother, and you're dating corey)

warnings: Language

word count: 1172

"Today, we're at the paris catacombs with our guide. He does want his identity to be out of the picture, so we won't be showing his face. But he says that he's been here countless of times and it can be a very dangerous place."

You stood in the dimly lit entrance of the Paris Catacombs, apprehension gripping your heart. This was undoubtedly the most dangerous location you had ever filmed at, and you couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled in your gut. The guide had mentioned rituals and other sinister occurrences in the tunnels, and you were far from prepared for what lay ahead.

Despite the chilling stories and warnings, you stood ready, clothed in practical attire and waterproof boots. You glanced over at your brother, Elton, who gave you an encouraging nod, and your boyfriend, Corey, who held your hand tightly.

"Alright, we're doing this," Elton announced, his voice steady and determined. "We've got each other's backs. Let's just stick together and we'll be fine."

You took a deep breath, silently praying that he was right. The tunnels stretched before you, dark and ominous, waiting to be explored. With one last glance at your group, you took the first step forward, hoping you were prepared for what lay ahead.


The journey through the catacombs had been grueling, and you couldn't help but feel relieved that you had reached the halfway point. Six miles down, with seven more to go. The spaces had been incredibly tight, forcing you to squeeze through narrow passages and climb over three fences. The dim lighting from the camera and two flashlights only served to heighten your sense of claustrophobia.

In addition to the physical challenges, you had also witnessed two rituals, which had left you feeling shaken and unsettled. Despite your gratitude for Steve, your guide, you couldn't help but wish you were anywhere but in the tunnels. You knew your reaction might seem childish to some, but you were confident that anyone in your position would feel the same way.

"We've got this, guys," Corey said, his voice echoing in the darkness. "We're halfway there. Let's just keep going and we'll be out of here before we know it."

You drew strength from his words, and Elton nodded in agreement. Together, you pressed forward, hoping that the second half of the journey would be just as eventful, but far less frightening.

With each turn, the maze-like passages of the catacombs only seemed to grow more confusing, and the loss of Steve only added to your mounting sense of panic. Your group had been relying on his knowledge of the tunnels, and now you were left to navigate them on your own.

"Fuck! Where did he go?" Elton whispered, frustration evident in his voice. His words echoed off the walls, making you even more conscious of the dangers that could be lurking in the darkness.

You and Ginger clung to Corey and Elton, not wanting to venture any further without the guidance of Steve. Your breaths came in short gasps as you tried to keep quiet, not wanting to alert anyone or anything to your presence.

"We can't stay here," Corey said, his voice low and urgent. "We need to keep moving if we want to get out of here. Elton, can you lead us back the way we came? Maybe we can find another route out."

Elton nodded, stepping forward into the darkness. You held tight to Corey's hand, praying that he was right and that you'd soon find a way out of the terrifying labyrinth that was the Paris Catacombs.

Corey's words of reassurance brought a small comfort as you huddled together in the darkness. The fear of being lost in the catacombs was almost overwhelming, but his presence helped to anchor you in the moment.

"I hope so," you replied, your voice small and shaky.

Elton turned to face you, frustration evident in his expression. "Damn it!" he whispered. "We're gonna have to find a way out ourselves."

You nodded, understanding the severity of the situation. "Okay, let's think about where we've been. Left was a dead end, and so was back that way."

Elton agreed, "Exactly. So right is the only direction we haven't tried yet."

You all took a deep breath, preparing to venture into the unknown once more. Corey held your hand tightly, giving it a reassuring squeeze as Elton took the lead, turning right and heading deeper into the darkness.

"Remember, stick together and don't make any noise," he whispered. "And keep an eye out for anything that looks familiar."

The group ventured on, clinging to the hope that the path to freedom lay somewhere in the darkness ahead.

We head to the right but it was another dead end so our only option was straight. This place was a literal maze.

"Forward it is!"

The fact that you hadn't hit any more dead ends brought a sliver of hope that you were on the right track. Corey's constant glances back at you made it clear he was concerned about your well-being, and Elton's repeated checks were a reassuring sign that you weren't alone in this terrifying experience.

Suddenly, Elton's voice rang out in the darkness, filled with relief. "Oh my god. I found the way out!"

You all breathed a collective sigh of relief as you emerged from the catacombs, the fresh air and the bright lights of the city a welcome change from the oppressive darkness you'd left behind.

As you gathered your bearings, you couldn't help but notice Steve standing by the entrance, acting as though he hadn't just abandoned you all in the tunnels.

"Dude, where did you go?" Elton demanded, his voice filled with accusation.

Steve had the audacity to look offended. Steve's feigned confusion only seemed to irritate Elton more, who was not buying his act for a second.

"I thought you were all behind me!" Steve insisted, a note of fake surprise in his voice.

Elton shook his head in disbelief. "No, man. You totally abandoned us in there. We could have gotten lost or worse. You're supposed to be our guide."

Steve seemed to realize the gravity of his actions and let out an apologetic sigh. "Yeah, shit. Sorry, guys. I didn't mean to freak you out."

You couldn't help but chuckle at his flippant attitude in the face of such a serious situation. "Yeah, well, we were all crapping our pants in there, so 'my bad' doesn't quite cut it."

Steve had the grace to look a bit sheepish at that, but the group was too relieved to have made it out of the catacombs to stay mad at him for long.

"Well, I'm just glad you all made it out okay," Steve said, clapping Elton on the shoulder. "Guess we'll all have quite the story to tell when we get home."

𝐒𝐀𝐌 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐁𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now