Sam Golbach | Haunted Voyage

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Summary: You go to the queen mary with him, colby, kian and Jc

Warnings: Spirits, Room B340

Word Count: 1214

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Colby, Sam, Kian, JC, and I were on our way to the legendary Queen Mary ship, known as one of the most haunted places in America. The prospect of spending the night aboard this supposedly haunted vessel wasn't exactly reassuring.

"Well, folks," Sam said into the camera, "we won't be staying in room B340 this time, so maybe it won't be as crazy as last time."

"I don't know about you guys, but that sounds just fine to me!" Kian piped up, eliciting a chuckle from all of us.

"I agree."


As soon as we entered the room, a sense of dread washed over me. Memories of my last visit to this cursed place came rushing back - the nausea, the dizziness, the overwhelming feeling of something being terribly wrong. Although the details of that night were hazy, the trauma still lingered. This time, I was determined to stay vigilant and keep my wits about me.

"Ugh, this place gives me the creeps," I muttered, grasping Sam's hand for comfort.

"What happened the last time you were here?" JC asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I got really sick and fainted," I explained. "But hey, at least we scored a free dinner out of it."

I tried to make light of the situation, but the unease in my gut only grew stronger. Little did I know that this night at the Queen Mary would prove to be even more harrowing than the last.

"Man, this is insane!" you exclaimed, shaking your head in disbelief.

"Definitely not our best night," Sam agreed with a wry grin.

Just then, a soft giggle echoed through the room, causing you to jump in surprise. Sam's hand tightened around yours, offering a reassuring squeeze.

"Hey, let's have some fun with this," Colby suggested with a mischievous smile. "Let's see if we can scare her a little."

Before you could protest, Colby let out a strange noise that made the little girl scream in fright. Despite yourself, you couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

In that moment, you couldn't help but imagine Colby as a father someday. He had a way with kids, a natural kindness and playfulness that was impossible to resist. And you couldn't help but think of your own future with Sam, the possibility of having your own family one day.

But those thoughts were quickly pushed aside as you continued to explore the ship, the unease in your stomach growing with each step.

"Looks like she's enjoying the game," you noted, watching as the little girl giggled at Colby's monster impersonation.

"She sure does!" Sam replied, laughing along with the child.

As the playful moment passed, it was time to get down to business. Colby handed you the dowsing rods and the crystals, suggesting that you be the first one to use the equipment.

"No, thanks," you said with a bit of exasperation. "But I guess someone's gotta do it. Fine, I'll take the plunge." You reached out and accepted the tools from Colby.

The dowsing rods felt heavy in your hands as you began to walk through the room, watching as the tips pointed in different directions. Your heart pounded as you wondered if the spirits of the ship would make themselves known to you. But you swallowed your fear and continued on, determined to be brave for your friends.

With a deep breath, you began the session. "If there is anyone or anything present in this room right now, can you please make the dowsing rods cross?" you asked, holding the rods out in front of you.

For a moment, nothing happened. But then, to your shock, the tips of the rods began to move, slowly crossing over each other.

"Shit, dude," Kian muttered from behind his blanket, clearly unnerved by the response.

Your heart was pounding in your chest as you continued. "Thank you for your response. Did you die on this ship?"

Once again, the rods crossed in response. Your mind raced as you tried to comprehend what was happening.

"This can't be real, right? Are we actually communicating with a spirit?" you thought to yourself.

The presence in the room seemed to grow stronger, as if the spirit was aware of your skepticism. But you knew you couldn't back down now. You had to keep going, no matter how terrified you were.

You continued your line of questioning. "Have we spoken with you before? If so, please make the dowsing rods turn outward," you asked.

To your astonishment, the rods responded in the affirmative, turning outward as you had requested. A wave of goosebumps ran down your arms as you considered the implications.

"Thank you for answering," you said, regaining your composure. "Were you there when we asked for a knock earlier?"

The dowsing rods crossed once again, confirming your suspicions. A sense of dread crept up your spine as the spirit seemed to grow more powerful with each question.

"Well, this is certainly unsettling," you thought to yourself. "It seems we've made contact with the same entity from before."

Your friends watched on in silence, their expressions a mix of fear and fascination. But you knew you couldn't stop now. You had to find out more about this mysterious presence in the room.

"We probably shouldn't ask about that," Colby advised, not wanting to provoke the spirit any further. "Let's move on."

You carefully placed the dowsing rods down, and the group decided to call it a night. Sleep had been a luxury that had eluded you all for over a day, and it was time to recharge.

Kian and JC took up spots on the floor, while Colby retired to the single bed in the adjoining room. That left you and Sam in the large bed together.

You tried your best not to disturb Sam, who seemed to have drifted off to sleep. But you were unable to shake off your fears, unable to fall asleep yourself. Instead, you turned to your phone, scrolling through TikTok with the volume on mute.

"Babe?" Sam's voice jolted you out of your digital distraction.

"Oh, sorry," you whispered, a slight smile curling your lips. "Did I wake you with my TikToks?"

"No," he replied, his voice soft in the darkness. "I haven't been able to sleep either.

You and Sam continued to converse in hushed tones, talking about life, random thoughts, and anything else that came to mind. It was a comfortable, intimate moment, as if the rest of the world had faded away for those thirty minutes.

As the conversation began to wind down, you felt the heaviness of sleep pulling at your eyelids. "I think I'm finally getting tired," you whispered, leaning your head back against the soft pillows.

"Goodnight, Baby," Sam replied softly, his voice wrapping around you like a warm blanket.

"Goodnight, Sam," you murmured, your eyes already fluttering closed.

And in that moment, as you drifted off to sleep, you felt safe and protected in Sam's arms. The fear of the spirit in the room was replaced by the warmth of your companion's embrace, and you allowed yourself to surrender to the welcoming darkness of sleep.

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