Corbin Reinhardt | The Inmate

631 13 0

Summary: overnight in USA's most haunted prison

Warnings: spirits, mentions of crime

Word count: 570

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Elton laid out the plan for the evening's ghost hunting adventure. "Alright, listen up, guys! Brandon, you'll be posted in that chair for ten minutes. Corbin and (Name), you two will start off in a cell. Corey and I will be elsewhere in the building. Brandon's job is to find Corbin, and then the rest of us. Got it?"

Brandon grimaced, clearly not thrilled with his assignment. "I really don't want to do this," he grumbled.

"Too bad!" Elton laughed, handing Brandon a camera to record his experience.

You and Corbin headed to your designated cell, eager to uncover any paranormal activity. You quickly set up the EMF reader and spirit box, hoping to capture some clear responses.

"Is there anyone here with us?" you asked, your voice echoing off the cold walls.

Corbin tried again, addressing a specific spirit. "James, are you here?"

To your excitement, the spirit box crackled to life, emitting an indecipherable response. Neither of you could make out the words, but it was undeniable that something had responded.

who are you with?

Your eyes widened as you processed the response. "Dude, Evan, you heard that too, right?"

Evan nodded, a mix of excitement and disbelief on his face. "Yeah, I heard it! It said something like, 'Who are you with?'"

Corbin responded, "I'm here with (Name) and Evan."

The spirit box crackled again, a clear and chilling response filling the small room. "Uh-huh."

In awe, you exclaimed, "Oh my God, it's so clear!"

As the reality of the situation sank in, the cramped cell seemed to grow smaller and your anxiety surged. Sensing your unease, Corbin placed his hand over yours, offering a comforting touch in the face of the unknown.

You pressed on, hoping to uncover more information from the spirit. "What crime did you commit?" you asked, bracing yourself for the answer.

The spirit's chilling response filled the room. "homicide."

Stunned, you glanced at Corbin, who shared your shock. "Bro!"

As you were reeling from the spirit's revelation, Evan's voice cut through the silence. "I just heard something down the hall." He turned the camera and zoomed in, but there was nothing to be seen.

"Seriously?" you asked, a mix of skepticism and apprehension in your tone.

"Yeah," Evan confirmed, turning the camera back towards you.

Feeling overwhelmed, you sighed. "Can we take a break? I'm sweating."

Corbin and Evan quickly agreed, and you stepped out of the cell, taking a moment to stretch your legs and arms. However, as you moved, you felt a wave of dizziness wash over you, adding to your unease.

Concerned about your well-being, you let out a chuckle and sat down on the floor. "Oof, I'm not feeling the greatest."

Corbin immediately offered you his water bottle. "Here, take my water."

Grateful, you accepted the bottle and took a sip, the cool liquid providing some relief. "Thank you," you said, your voice still a bit weak.

Corbin placed his hand on your forehead to check for a fever. "Feeling any better?"

"Kinda," you replied, hoping the feeling would pass soon.

In an effort to reassure you, Corbin said, "We're almost done with this. After we finish, we can take a break from everything, maybe go outside and take a walk."

Nodding, you stood up, feeling slightly steadier. "That sounds amazing."

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