elton castee | prison island

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summary: you go into the room full of bats, which you happen to be petrified of
warnings: none
word count: 230

"Babe! Why can't you just have Jonah go in? Or evan?"

"come on! face your fears!"

"hey! don't bring me into this," jonah chuckles.

"ugh," i groan and step in front of the small room full of bats. it was dark, cold, and creepy. i sure as hell didn't want to go in there, but i obviously had no choice.

i sigh a couple of times before elton says, "if you don't go in there, you'll just have to do a punishment for a video."

"oh god no!" i go in the room and immediately regret it. the squeaking in my ear was far too loud for my liking. and their faces to close to mine. it was torture.

"when can i come out?"

"i say five minutes," brandon suggests.

"make it ten," corey laughs.

"oh screw you."

"ten it is!"

"honey, please. i love you, but this, this ain't it."

elton laughs and shakes his head. not letting me get out anytime soon.

finally, his phone timer goes off. and i rush out of the room and dust off whatever i thought was on me.

i go to elton and hide my head in his chest, "don't you ever make me do something like that again, i swear."

𝐒𝐀𝐌 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐁𝐘 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now