Chapter 22 (EDITED)

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**Aero's POV**

We all gathered together to see Thor take Loki back to Asgard along with the tesseract which we all agreed didn't belong on earth in the first place. I had ridden with Natasha and Clint to where we were all meeting up, but after this was over I wasn't going back with them. I had other plans, plans that no longer involved me with SHIELD. As we watched Thor secure the tesseract in a container, I glanced at everyone around us. Natasha and Clint were standing together. Bruce was over beside Tony. Steve stood not far from Thor and Loki. I stood back away from the group just watching. Thor looked at me with a small smile, before nodding firmly at Tony and Steve. He twisted the handle of the container and a blue light absorbed them transporting them to where ever they were planning on going, no words were spoken for a moment as we all just stood there. We started to break off, head back to the cars that everyone came in. Natasha and Clint came over to me before they went back to their car.

"Be safe, Aero. You can always call us," Natasha came over and pulled me into a tight hug, which I didn't fight. I had spent a lot of time with SHIELD, with Natasha and Clint. It was going to be strange not being with them. I hugged her back just as tightly. Her and Clint were returning to SHIELD, which I expected nothing more.

"Well... You always be able to find me." I joked, knowing SHIELD would keep tabs on me and not let me get too far out of their sight. She let out a half laugh in agreement with me. When she finally let me go, I gave Clint a hug as well. When chin rested on his shoulder, I spoke quietly to him. "Take care of my Natty, okay?" I called Natasha by my pet name for her, reminding him to keep an eye on her for me. He nodded and hugged me back just as tightly. Steve walked over to me once Natasha and Clint had headed off towards their car. "Nice working with you, Captain. Unfortunately, I feel like we'll have to work together again." I chuckled in a charming tone.

"It was nice working with you as well, Aero. You're someone I will always be glad to have my back," He smiled at me nodding in agreement. We shook hands in mutual respect, not really into the mushy hugs with Captain America. Tony was the next to come over to me when the Cap walked away. His typical playboy smile was permanently stamped on his lips as he held his arms open for me. "Laterz Tony." I rolled my eyes at him and walked into the awaiting hug.

"Laterz Aerosmith," He joked, making a play of my name and the old band. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at his stupidity. He pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you for all your help." He whispered only loud enough for me to hear. I smiled at him when he released me, and nodded back in return.

"Hey, I'll be sure to come crash Stark Tower," I teased. He nodded happily at the idea.

"Anytime Aerosmith, but its the Avengers Tower now." Tony teased putting his sunglasses back over his eyes. He waved over his shoulder and went to his car to leave. Steve walked over to talk to him for a moment.

**Bruce's POV**

I watched as Tony pulled Aero into a hug. When they separated, Aero was smiling up at him. He turned back to me mouthing 'Go Get Her' with two thumbs up. I stood a few feet away from Aero waiting for my turn to talk to her. She shot me one of those beautiful smiles that she didn't know made my knees weak. "Hey Bruce..." I noticed her cheeks turn a pale shade of pink, but didn't say anything about it. She looked away from me as if she wanted to hide the blush from me. She offered me her hand to shake, like she had Steve. She seemed a bit nervous, which worried me to no end. Despite being aware that She hugged the Hulk's arm the other day after the fight, I had trouble pushing away the dark thought that she was afraid of me now that she saw what the Hulk could really do. I was sure I had feelings for Aero- deep feelings from the way her smile made my heart flutter, but we could never be. I would be putting her in danger all the time. She had hugged all of the other avengers -except Steve- even Tony, and now she was offering me a hand shake. That almost cemented it in my mind that there was no way that she would like me back in any form. I must've been so deep in my thoughts that she just stood there awkwardly. I broke free of my thoughts and shook her hand loosely.

"Hi Aero..." I answered weakly. She looked away from me, behind me towards Tony. I could feel my heart breaking in my chest as we could no longer seem to keep eye contact. I forced myself away from her, not wanting to let her see the pain in my eyes. "Well... I... I guess I'll see you..." I said quietly. She said nothing more, just stood there. Her hand slipped free of mine as I turned away. I got in the car with Tony without another word.

"Are you stupid? You let her get away!" He barked. He looked to where she had once been standing on the sidewalk. I glanced over as well to see her gone, no surprise with her speed she could be halfway to Florida by now.

"What are you even talking about? She didn't even want to look at me. She doesn't like me, Tony." I argued back. He rolled his hazel eyes at me.

"You didn't see the sad look on her face when you walked away." He shook his head as if trying to get the image to fade from his mind. "She was hoping you would give her some hint that you liked her back..." He sighed loudly. "Come on, Let's just get back." We headed back to the wreckage that was once Stark Tower. I couldn't help, but think about what Tony had said.

**Aero's POV**

Bruce stood a few feet away from me. He looked nervous, which wasn't unusual for him. I smiled at him, trying to reassure him. "Hi Bruce..." I blushed a bit. I looked to the ground to try and hide it from him. I extended my hand to him unsure of what gesture would be appropriate, not wanting to push him and his boundaries with a hug. If he seemed like he had wanted on, I would gladly, but I waited for him to guide the situation. I knew I had feelings for Bruce -I had since that first meeting in Calcutta-, though I had tried to bury them since the beginning. I wanted any sign that he could feel the same way for me, anything at all.

"Hi Aero..." He shook my hand loosely, barely making skin contact with me. I felt my heart sink in defeat, that was not what I had been hoping for. I looked away from him trying to find anything else to focus on not to give away that I was hurting. My sad gaze caught Tony, who was sitting in his car watching us. We exchanged glances for a moment before I saw him curse before slamming his fist into the steering wheel. My face twisted in confusion, but I didn't mention it. "Well... I... I guess I'll see you..." Bruce said before turning away. His hand slipped free of mine and I just stood there blinking in sadness. My hand felt empty and cold now. I held in the heart break. I turned on my heels and walked away from the Avengers... For Now... 

(Word Count : 1353) 

(Final Word Count : 36,839)

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