Chapter 1 (EDITED)

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**Aero's POV**

I was walking down one of the many hallways of the large helicarrier run by SHIELD. I had called this large metal contraption home since the day the last bolt got tightened into place. I had been under the care of SHIELD and Nick Fury since I was very young, so I didn't know how to be anything other than an agent. I had been trained from a very young age to be an agent and the perfect weapon for SHIELD. My nose was stuck into one of the many books I owned. I had always liked reading, It was like my own little temporary escape from the missions or the training. The book I was currently focusing my attention on was the third book in the twilight series. I had read them all before, but every now and then it was fun to go back and reread books I had finished. Though it hadn't been that long since the helicarrier had been completed, I knew the layout of the halls and pathways like the back of my hand which meant I didn't even have to look up to know where I was going. I didn't usually like to be stuck in one place while I was reading, so I would walk in a loop around the hallways. I skillfully rotated my body to the left avoiding a collision with another SHIELD agent who was in my path, all without looking up from my book.

"You know, Normal people sit while they read." A familiar voice teased me from over my shoulder. I finished the line in the paragraph I was reading before I dragged my eyes away from the page. I knew from the voice who it was before I even looked up. My icey blue eyes met the face of my closest friend, Natasha Romanoff. I could see the teasing smile that was ghosting on her lips. I hadn't even known she had returned from the mission she had been on. I would be out of the loop sometimes, because I would get caught up in training or something and not leave my room for a few days. That was also part of the reason I liked to walk while I read, because if I didn't I'd be six books deep before I realized what had happened. I rolled my eyes a bit at her and closed my book.

"Are you not aware that i am not normal?" I teased back without missing a beat. "You should read this series sometime, Natty. It's really good." I encouraged waving the black book back and forth. She pushed it away from her face with a roll of her own eyes.

"Like I have any spare time, Unlike you I don't just spend my time on the helicarrier," She shot back with a playful scoff. I just laughed at her as she fell in step beside me. I tucked my book under my arm since there was no reason to read it while talking to Natasha. Silence fell between us as we walked. I glanced over at her to see the worried expression on her face which confused me. Natasha was a trained agent, she knew better then to let her emotions cloud her judgement, so something serious must've been going on. I stopped in my tracks and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Okay, enough with the face. What's going on, Natasha?" I asked in a serious tone. She also paused her steps when I stopped. She was silent for a bit as she stared at the floor between us. I watched her closely trying to read her as much as I could, but all I was getting from her was worry. Natasha and I had always been close since she joined SHIELD. She was like my older sister in many ways, which meant I could read her easier than most.

"The Tesseract was stolen," Natatsha explained before pausing. I tilted my head a bit at the statement. The Tesseract had been with a scientist that Fury had trusted. Even if it had been stolen, then we would do what was necessary to get it back. There had to be more going on since just the tesseract being stolen was no reason for Natasha to be wearing the expression she was. "Barton was compromised," I heard the pain behind her words. Natasha, Clint and I had been close for a while, but they had been more so. They usually did missions together, where I was more likely to be sent alone. I moved forward as I quickly wrapped my arms around her in a comforting hug.

"We'll get him back, Natty." I called her by the nickname I had given her at some point when we were younger. I let her go as quickly as I hugged her. She took another step back before nodding her head in agreement. I gave her a reassuring smile before opening my book and starting off on my own path again. Natasha caught my shoulder stopping me in my tracks again.

"But for right now, Fury wants you on the bridge." Natasha redirected me in the direction of the bridge of the Helicarrier. Nick Fury could always be found standing in his little circle watching over everyone. I went to ask what it was about but she just shook her head and guided me by my shoulders in the direction she wanted me to go.

"Good Morning, Aero." Fury greeted me as soon as I stepped onto the bridge. "New book?" He questioned without even turning to look at me. I gave a sheepish smile and stuck the book behind my back. Since I had been practically raised in SHIELD for as long as I could remember, Fury and I had an odd father and daughter type relationship. It also meant that he expected more out of me than other agents. I muttered a greeting back to him. "I have a mission for you, Aero." He moved on to the point.

"For me?" I blinked at him. "Are you sure Natasha wouldn't be better?" I glanced over to the redhead that was one of my closest friends. I lived on the helicarrier. I barely left and I couldn't remember the last time Fury actually sent me on a mission. I was genetically stronger, faster, and healed faster than anyone else in SHIELD.Most of the life I could remember, I was trained to control my 'abilities' to be SHIELD's perfect weapon, their monster lying in wait. I may not look like a dangerous monster, but I could walk into an enemy base and rip them apart from the inside before they even knew what happened. I was never sent as an escort or any mission any normal agent could handle.

"No, Aero. This mission is all you. You have the abilities this mission requires." Fury shook his head at me. I just stared at him for a moment waiting for him to explain what he needed my 'abilities' for. "You are the only one who has the speed and strength to handle this particular mission." He was trying to boost my ego a bit so that I would be more likely to say yes to him, not that I could really say no. "I need you to go pick up Doctor Banner." It clicked why Fury had asked me to do it instead of anyone. Natasha would've had to take a whole team, where I was more than capable of handling it on my own. I nodded firmly in agreement with Fury's choice to send me. "Go suite up, you leave in five," He turned away giving me permission to be dismissed. I turned on my heels and headed for my room on the helicarrier.

Now that I was actually moving at a decent pace instead of just strolling down the walkway of the helicarrier, I reached my room in a matter of a few seconds. My room on the helicarrier was pretty much like all of the others. I had personalized mine a bit by decorating everything in my favorite aqua color. My queen sized bed had an aqua comforter and black pillow to help contrast the blue color. My desk, dresser, and nightstands were all black as well. On the wall above my desk was a peg board. It had pictures of me and Natasha and Clint over the years. I also had a few photos of Fury and Myself when I was younger. My desk was covered in files and my art work, as well as short stories I had written in my spare time. I always kept my room pretty clean in case anyone came in. Most of the other agents didn't live on the carrier full time, meaning I had one of the few rooms that had their own bathroom attached. My bathroom was decorated with a beach themed.

I had no idea where my extraordinary abilities had come from. Fury had been telling me, since I was old enough to understand, that I just had a mutation in my DNA that allowed me to do the things that I did. I tossed my book aside on my bed where I would be able to grab it on the way out. I didn't know how long my jet ride would be and it would be better to be prepared then be bored out of my mind. I moved across my room towards my closet so I could grab the full black leather bodysuit from its place on the rack. I had a few of them complements of SHIELD, all of them looking the same. I stripped free of my lazy everyday clothes which usually consisted of an over-sized SHIELD shirt and a pair of sweatpants. It didn't take me long to get into my suite, I had basically made it an art at this point. My hair was naturally jet black and straight, I allowed it to lay loose around my shoulders instead of up in its usual ponytail. I brushed my bangs away from my blue eyes before tucking the piece of hair behind my ear to help keep it out of my face. I grabbed my combat boots, my practically useless utility belt. I normally wore a domino mask when I was working, but since I was just going to pick up Bruce Banner I decided against it and left it on the top of my dresser. 

(word count : 1753 ) 

((First Edited Chapter - Tell me what you think guys ))

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