Chapter 8 (EDITED)

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**Bruce's POV**

"Come on, Doc." Aero motioned for me to follow her from where she stood near the exit. "We've got all the bells and whistles." She flashed me a playful smile when I got closer to her. She turned on her heels heading out of the bridge. She stopped just outside the door looking back and forth as if deciding which way to go. She eventually made a decision and turned towards the left and led me in the direction of what I assumed was the lab. She seemed to be in a better mood now then where we were on the jet together. She slowed her steps and turned so she could see me while she was still walking. "So there are some of the living quarters of those who stay on the helicarrier full time, like me." She pointed out a couple doors as we passed them. Her steps eventually slowed to a stop. "This one is mine actually, I can usually be found here." She patted the closed metal door. "If you don't mind. I'm going to make a quick stop." She spoke a bit shyly almost as if she was worried I would deny her request to stop in her room before she took me to the lab. When I didn't protest, She turned towards the door and allowed it to slide open automatically. I stood there for a moment wondering how long she was going to be or what she had even planned on doing. I adjusted the way I was standing, which caused the sensor to open the door. My eyes widened in embarrassment. I hadn't meant it to seem like I was trying to go in her room. "Its okay, Come in." Aero's voice encouraged from somewhere deeper in the room. I hesitated before stepping inside the doorway. The door slid closed behind me causing me to jump a bit. I hadn't been expecting it to close so suddenly. "This is my room, I'm sorry for the detour." She apologized in a sweet tone. She was no longer in agent mode, though we were still on the helicarrier. To her this was pretty much just the place she lived, so she was able to relax there. "I just really didn't want to be in this suit anymore," She chuckled to herself as she turned away from me. I let my eyes trail around the room. Her bed was decorated with a light aqua blue color. It was contrasted by the black pillows and black end tables. She had an aqua lamp and other little things that went with her color theme. Her desk, dresser, and other furniture was all black. The room was pretty clean except for the desk that was covered in papers and files. "I'll just be a second," Aero's voice pulled me from my thoughts. I barely saw her head off into what I assumed was a bathroom or a walk-in closet. I let my eyes trail the room and I spotted a pegboard above her desk. I couldn't help myself as I let my curiosity get the better of me. I leaned in to get a better look at the pictures that hung there. There were a few pictures of Aero with a red haired girl and a dark haired boy. There were also some of her when she was much younger with Director Fury. "Find something interesting, Doctor?" Aero's voice made me practically jump out of my skin. I hadn't realized that she would've been able to change so fast, then I remembered that she had told me that she had a super speed ability. I turned away from the desk and looked at her with a sheepish expression. I was a bit embarrassed that I got caught looking at her photos. I expected her to get mad at me.

"I... Um. It's..." I could barely force myself to form words. She looked at me with mild amusement. I realized that it was a bit of pay back for me scaring her in Calcutta. "Its Bruce," I finally managed to get my words to form correctly. She had only really called me 'Doctor Banner' or simply 'Doctor'. She gave me a warm smile telling me that she wasn't upset with me looking at her stuff. "So you have been in SHIELD since you were young, Agent Mitchell." I motioned to the pictures still on the pegboard. She glanced over at them smiling fondly.

"Its Aero, or Just Ro." She gave me permission to call her by her first name the same way I just had. "I was three when I developed my ability," She motioned me away from her desk towards the door that led out into the hallway. I assumed she was going to finish taking me to the lab so I could get to work. She looked down at her own hand when she spoke about her abilities. I haven't actually seen her use them, yet. I was sure something was special about her or they wouldn't have sent her alone to come collect me. I didn't protest as I followed her into the hallway. She was quiet for a bit as she moved down the hallway. She looked like she was thinking about something. "Fury basically adopted me and SHIELD trained me to control what I could do, so yes. I've been here a while." She finally spoke with a soft chuckle. She dropped the hand she had been looking at. I just nodded at her. I couldn't find it in myself to open up to her the same way she had been doing to me. She didn't need my drama, my self loathing. I just stayed quiet as she led me down the halls.

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