Chapter 7 (EDITED)

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**Aero's POV**

I ran over the fastest path to the lab from where we currently were. The path I decided on took you past a few of the living quarters, mine included. I did this on purpose, because I didn't really like being in my leather suit while on the carrier, I felt like people were looking at me too much when I wore it. "So these are some of the living quarters of those who stay on the helicarrier full time, like me." I explained as we passed some of the doors. "This one is mine actually, I can usually be found here." I patted my door when I stopped next to it. "Actually, if you don't mind. I'm going to make a quick stop." I said sheepishly before turning towards the door. It slid open automatically for me before I stepped inside. There was a brief moment of silence before the door slid open again revealing a shy Doctor Banner. He hesitated to step in my room. "It's okay, come in." I encouraged him softly. He did take my invitation and step into my room. The door slid closed behind him making him jump a bit. "This is my room, I'm sorry for the detore. I just really didn't want to be in this suit anymore." I explained with a chuckle. I faced away from him digging in the drawers of my black dresser. I was searching for my black and white track shorts that I loved to wear. While I was searching I found a long sleeve SHIELD shirt that had my name on the back of it in white letters. My shorts were in the next drawer down. I stood back up, smiling constantly with myself. "I'll just be a second." I turned disappearing into the bathroom connected to my room. I used my speed abilities to change clothes in a matter of seconds, why do it the normal way when you're as fast as me. I peaked in the mirror brushing my fingers through my straight black hair to assure that it laid right. I turned and re entered my bedroom. Doctor Banner was no longer standing by the door, now he was over by my desk. He was leaning into the pegboard examining the pictures from when I was younger. "Find something interesting?" I asked in a teasing tone as I moved over towards him. He physically jumped when he realized he had been caught looking at my things.

"I... Um. It's..." He stumbled over his words for a moment. I had to admit that it was a bit mean to scare him, but he had done it to me in the abandoned house. "It's Bruce," He finally managed to spit out. I gave a small warm smile and nodded in understanding. "So you have been in SHIELD since you were young, Agent Mitchell." He commented as he motioned to the pictures.

"It's Aero or Just Ro." I corrected him in return. "I was three when I developed my ability," I explained as I ushered him away from my desk and out of my room. He didn't protest, just followed me back into the hallway. I continued to lead him in the direction of the lab. "Fury basically adopted me and SHIELD trained me to control what I could do, so yes. I've been here a while." I said with a small chuckle. I didn't know why I was telling Bruce my life story, he was just easy to talk to. He nodded in what I could only assume as understanding.

It didn't take much longer to arrive at the lab doors. I walked in first. Everything had that hospital clean smell that made my nose scrunch up a bit. Someone had obviously just cleaned this room. "Thank you Aero," The sound of my name coming out of his mouth made my heart jump a bit. I swallowed thickly and nodded at his thanks. I turned to leave the lab. "Are you busy?" He said suddenly. I looked over at him with a look of slight confusion. His cheeks were flushed a pale pink color. He stuttered and stammered as he tried to back track. "What I meant was, if you're not busy then you were welcome to hang around here." He wasn't even looking at me when he spoke. I couldn't stop the smile that made its way to my face.

"I've got nothing else going on," I shrugged a bit as I moved to settle into a swivel chair. I was sitting on it backwards so I could rest my chin on the back. My eyes trailed over to him as he turned to try and start working. "So tell me what you're doing." I stated. I was curious on how he planned on trying to find the tesseract.

"It's a lot of terms and boring stuff," He said softly, keeping his attention on the screen he was working on. He was trying to be nice and avoided saying that there was a high possibility that I wasn't going to understand. I puffed my cheeks out a bit and turned myself from side to side in the chair.

"I'm smarter than you're giving me credit for, Bruce." I said his first name for the first time. I saw the muscles in his shoulders tense for a brief second. "I speak English, Spanish, French, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese fluently. I can also read in 4 other languages. I think I can handle terms and boring stuff." I shot back teasingly.

"I'm just trying to work on finding the right algorithm that will allow us to program the spectrometers to read for the gamma rays we're looking for." The beginning part of his sentence made since for the most part. He then continued telling me the finer details of what he was doing. The large scientific words were lost on me. When he finished explaining, he turned away from his computer taking his glasses off so he could clearly see me across the room. I sat there for a moment blinking at him.

"You were right. I understood the words you were using, but none of that made sense to me." I laughed at myself. Bruce let out his own laugh and turned back to the computer he was working on. I let my cheek rest on the back of the chair as I watched him type away on the computer screen. We fell into comfortable silence with the only sounds in the room were Bruce working on the computer. I had an odd warm feeling in my chest as I watched him. 

(Word Count : 1109)

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