Chapter 13 (EDITED)

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**Aero's POV**

I had my nose stuck in one of my books as I walked the halls again- a terrible habit, I know- , having calmed down significantly since my outburst earlier. Though I was still unsure of exactly why it had bothered me so much. I was sure to skillfully avoid any other agents as they passed, never breaking stride or even really looking up. I only glanced up from my book to check where I was in the helicarrier. I could see Bruce's lab door not far ahead of me, which meant I was nearing my originally intended destination. I used my speed to rush in the room without being noticed - it really only would have looked like a blur or the automatic door opening and closing by themselves if the boys in the room had been paying attention to it at all. Once in the room, I stopped behind Bruce to lean over his shoulder checking out what was on his computer, not that I understood any of it. "Hi Bruce." I commented happily near his ear. He nearly leapt out of his skin at my sudden voice. I chuckled lightly, taking a seat next to him. "Did I scare you?" I questioned innocently, batting my eyelashes playfully at him. He chuckled under his breath and turned back to his work. I looked up to see Tony standing across the lad, unbothered by my sudden appearance, if he hadn't even noticed me.

"You should stop by Stark Tower some time. The top 10 floors... like candy land. You'd enjoy it." Tony offered to Bruce crossing the lab. Tony glanced at me and gave me a small smirk. "No hard feelings, Aerosmith." He commented, apparently trying to quell any beef I seemed to have with him. I gave a thankful nod that he didn't make me apologize for my actions earlier. He picked up a small metal pokey looking thing. He fiddled with it in his fingers, you could see the mischievous wheels turning in Stark's brain. Like a toddler about to do something they know is bad or that they shouldn't.

"Thanks, But the last time I was in New York... I kinda broke Harlem." Bruce declined. His face twisted in guilt for a moment before he forced it away. A small pain tugged in my chest. I tried to ignore it, I didn't want to react badly again. I couldn't lose my cool every time Bruce looked upset. Tony was walking behind Bruce, before stopping just on the other side of him. I watched him closely as he continued to fidget with the little rod in his hand.

"Well, I promise a stress free environment...No Tension. No surprises." Tony was lying through his teeth and you could obviously tell. He poked Bruce in the side with the metal thing he had picked up. Not hard enough to hurt him, just enough to make him jump a bit.

"Ow," Bruce sounded more aggravated than hurt. He turned to Tony with a 'What-The-Fuck' look as he glanced down at the metal tool in his hand. He rubbed the place that Tony had poked. The aggravation was gone in a flash and replaced with something that almost looked like amusement. He knew that Tony was trying to push his buttons.

"Nothing?" Tony asked. He leaned forward examining Bruce closely as if he was going to see some small change in him. Bruce just rolled his eyes at Tony's dumb trick. I gave him a scolding glare, but didn't say anything. If Bruce was unharmed, then it was just Tony being Tony and nothing could be done about that. Steve came in just in time to see what Tony had tried to pull and scold him for it.

"Are you nuts?!" Steve barked at Tony. He looked rather pissed off at the trick that Tony had tried to pull. Bruce didn't seem worried about it and ignored Steve's comment. I could tell their personalities would clash. You could practically see the sparks flying between them. Though, I wasn't sure if they were rivalry sparks or sexual tension sparks, Either way. I smiled in amusement at my own thoughts.

"Jury's out." Tony answered Steve casually before turning back to Bruce. "You really have a lid on it... What's your secret? Mello Jazz, Bongo Drums, A huge bag of weed?" Tony guessed at Bruce's 'secret' as to how he stayed so calm. I rolled my eyes at Tony's stupid suggestions. Bruce had been living with this for years now, of course he knew the best way to control himself most of the time.

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