Chapter 4 (EDITED)

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(I love you guys! I promise I'm still working and will keep editing and updating)

**Aero's POV**

I had given the little girl the hand full of cash, I had to just hope that she didn't just run off with it. I chewed my lip nervously as I could do nothing but wait and see if my plan even worked. I had been sitting down originally, but my anxiety now had me up pacing the floor. The sound of footsteps made me turn my head. The little girl turned the corner almost running into me. I knelt down and smiled at her softly. I pointed to the back window before ushering her forward. She held the hand that held the crumbled bills towards me. I shook my head and pushed her hand towards her own chest. I wanted her to keep it, she had helped me very much. She smiled at me and took off out the window like I had instructed her.

"Should've gotten paid up front, Banner." He spoke to himself when he saw the girl jump out the window. I kept myself quiet and in the shadows for a moment. I wanted to give the girl a chance to get far enough away from us in case something were to go wrong. I watched him for a moment in the darkness of the doorway.

"For a man who's supposed to be avoiding stress, you picked a hell of a place." I spoke before I walked into the room. I wanted Doctor Banner to know I was there instead of scaring him. Calcutta, with all that was going on, was far from a peaceful place. I stepped out of the shadows letting him see me. His eyes trailed over me for a moment before he spoke again. His deep chocolate colored eyes locked with my blue ones. I noticed a bit of realization flash across his eyes. He remembered seeing me in the streets earlier in the day. I looked around the very dusty abandoned house as I walked into the room more. Doctor Banner's muscles tensed under his blazer. His face showed how apprehensive he was, and I couldn't really blame him. I had backed him into a corner and secluded us from the majority of the town.

"Avoiding stress isn't the secret," He shook his head answering slowly. His eyes never left me even for a brief second. He was analyzing my every move, almost as if he was scared of me. I knew that couldn't be true though. I wasn't very tall, probably around 5'3'' and I weighed 130 soaking wet. I was far from the most intimidating looking, which often made people underestimate my abilities, especially my powers. I let my eyes trail over him taking in every detail I could. He wasn't all that tall for a guy either, around 5'8'' or so. He had a head of messy brown curls that were decorated with some grey strands most likely from stress. He had a bit of stubble on his face telling me he hadn't shaved that day. He was only in his early forties from what I had read from his files, 43 to be exact. He had a pair of thin rimmed glasses in his hand, he wasn't wearing them currently which meant he only needed them for reading. I found it kind of cute that I noticed the more nervous he seemed to get the more he would fiddle with them. I found little habits like that endearing in everyone. He took a step away from me as if he needed to keep an invisible bubble between us. I lifted an eyebrow, but didt push it by moving forward.

"Then what is? Yoga?" I teased a bit. I bit on my lip to help contain the small smug smile from my own little joke. I found myself way funnier than anyone else seemed to. I was trying to lighten the mood but I knew I couldn't let my guard down. He glanced around us at the building we were in, taking his eyes off me for the first time. I blinked curiously, wondering what he was thinking about. He let out a breathy chuckle.

" You brought me to the edge of the city," He steered away from the topic of how he stayed calm very quickly. "That's smart," He took a few steps, moving around the house. I gave a small shrug, my plan was pretty genius. He shifted nervously as he tried to peak out one of the windows. "I..." He paused before looking back at me. "I assume the whole place is surrounded." He reached out a bit to move the curtain in an attempt to see if anyone was outside. It was pretty dark out there, so even if there had been anyone I doubt he would've been able to see them. He turned his attention back to me.

Beauty and The Beast ((Bruce Banner/Hulk love)) Where stories live. Discover now