Chapter 10 (EDITED)

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Tony and Steve stood just behind the cockpit taking between themselves. I saw Steve turn his back towards us, as if he didnt want Loki to hear what he was saying. "What, Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Tony spoke still looking over Loki, who didnt turn his head to acknowledge that they were talking about him. I did notice that Loki's eyes bounced in their direction for a faction of a second, I was sure he was paying attention to what they were saying. I thought he was going to go back to staring off into space like he had been before they started speaking, but he let his eyes bounce to me instead. I blinked in surprise when he stared at me for a few moments. I could see the look in his eyes as if he was trying to place if he knew me from somewhere, but I'm sure I had never seen him outside of the files Fury had me read. A sudden flash of lightning illuminated the Quinjet from outside of the front window jerked my attention away from Loki.

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve's voice made my forehead crinkle in a frown. I had originally thought he was talking to me, and that was the total opposite of how I felt. I really liked the sound of thunder, it actually made me feel comfortable and relaxed. When I opened my mouth to answer him, Loki spoke before me.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows," Loki was looking at Steve and Tony. I struck me that it had been Loki that Steve had been speaking to before. Loki looked away from the boys towards the roof above us. Confused expressions passed over Steve and Tony's faces, I tilted my head examining the same area but I didnt see anything out of place. The storm around us seemed to be getting stronger, until something hit the top of the quinjet causing it to shake violently. My heart skipped a beat in my chest as I was jostled around in my seat. Tony moved to get his mask while Captain American moved to where his own helmet and shield was. Tony stormed passed me pressing the button on the wall to open the back hatch. I was quick on my feet as well, since I hadnt taken my domino mask off I was ready to roll.

"What are you doing!?" Steve yelled as the back door of the quinjet opened. Tony took another step forward as if he was going to head outside the jet, but his path was blocked suddenly. Thor, The Asgardian Prince, who had come crash landing on earth the year before. Fury had given me the file after the incident had wrapped up, since it wasn't something I needed to get involved with. The look on Loki's face was very concerned as if he was afraid of Thor, which was understandable. Tony stood in defense at the end of the qinjet, but Thor came charging at him. I took a step back out of reflex. Thor was large, touring at easily over 6 foot and covered in plenty of muscles. Despite my abilities, I wouldn't want to take him on. Tony raised his hand and I could hear the blaster on his palm winding up to shoot off a blast directed at Thor. Thor was a bit faster though, He slammed his hammer into the front of Tony's suite causing him to go flying backwards into the cockpit of the jet. Thor looked over at me, almost as if he was sizing me up to see if I was going to move on him next. He paused though when his eyes met mine. There was an odd since of familiarity as I stared back at him. After a few moments, He broke our shared gaze and turned his attention to Loki. The hulking asgardian grabbed Loki by the front of the shirt ripping him free of the seat belt that was holding him in place. He stared menacingly at Loki, before dragging him away by the neck. Tony was soon back to his feet, though I couldnt see his expression through his mask, I could tell he was pissed.

"Another Asgardian? Is he friendly?" Natasha spoke from where she was seated next to the pilot. There wasnt much she could do to assist in the situation.

"Doesnt Matter!" The robotic voice coming from the Iron Man suit bit back. "If He frees Loki or Kill him, The tesseract is lost." He explained as he turned away from the rest of us. Tony was sure of what he wanted to do and he was going to do it. Steve called out for him that we needed a plan. "I have a plan, Attack." He didnt waste any time as he used his blasters to propel himself out of the back of the jet after Loki and Thor. Steve looked frustrated when Tony left us in the jet. He turned away grabbing one of the parachutes from the rack that they were stored on.

"I'd set this one out Cap," Natasha warned him from her seat. "These guys come from legend. They're basically gods." She called back over her shoulder as she flipped a couple switches on the instruments in front of her.

"Theres only one god, Ma'am." Steve shot back fastening the last few straps of the parachute around his body. "And I'm pretty sure he doesnt dress like that." He commented with a bit of a chuckle as he leaned over to get his shield. I grabbed him by the strap on his shoulder causing him to pause.

"I'm coming with you," I told him firmly. He looked like he wanted to argue, but to an extent I was more qualified to take on these 'gods' than he was. He just gave a nod and let his arm that wasnt holding his shield wrap around my back. I grabbed onto the straps of the parachute on his chest to keep myself close to his chest without having to get my own parachute. Steve looked a bit nervous to have me holding on to him, but I just rolled my eyes. We moved together before jumping off of the open hatch. I felt the arm around my back pull me a bit closer, which made me grip onto him tighter as well. After a few moments of free falling, Steve pulled the ripcord that released the parachute. The sudden jerk of the parachute catching air caused my grip on Steve to slid a bit. I looked down to see that we werent all that far above the ground. I let go of Steve allowing myself to drop to the ground with a small thud. The normal silence of the woods around me was shattered by the sound of metal clanking, lightening striking, and blasts coming from Tony's suit. Steve landed not far ahead of me, than freed himself from the parachute so he could head off in the direction of the fighting. I was only a few feet behind him as I rushed off to catch up with the others. Suddenly, Steve threw his shield at the fighting pair causing it to bounce off Thor's chest than Tony's. "Hey!" He barked at the two. Their attention snapped to where Steve and I stood not far from them. "That's enough!" He jumped down off the rock he had been standing on to be in the clearing with the. I looked around the demolished clearing in search of Loki, who we couldnt let get away. I felt a pair of eyes on my back, so I turned my head looking for who was watching us. From on top of a small cliff, I spotted Loki watching the pair fight with a small smile of amusement. I turned away from the fight that I was sure was going to break out between the three of them. With my super abilities, I made it to where Loki was within a few seconds. I stopped just behind him crossing my arms over my chest in annoyance.

"Looks like I'm caught." Loki didnt even try to get away from me, or act like he wanted to. The little cocky smirk on his face made me want to push him off the edge of the cliff, but I refrained. "You look familiar, M'lady. What makes you special?" Loki leaned to the side a bit patting the space beside him on the ground. I narrowed my eyes at him warily before accepting the seat. I didnt justify his question with an answer, if he didnt know why I was part of the team, he didnt need to know. My attention was pulled away from Loki when arguing broke out between the three men below us.

"You want me to put my hammer down?!" Thor yelled angrily at Steve. Thor was quick to move pulling his hammer high back over his head. He brought it down roughly, only for it to come in contact with Steve's shield. The collisions of the objects caused a resounding shock wave that flattened trees around them. Thor and Tony were also knocked backwards by the blast, while Steve remained where he was. Steve stood moving the shield away from his head.

"Are we done?"

(Word Count : 1,563)

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