Chapter 2 (EDITED)

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**Aero's POV** 

Once I was satisfied that I was ready to go, I grabbed my book and phone from the wireless charger that laid on my nightstand. I tucked it into one of the pockets on my utility belt. I practically had no other use for the thing, other than holding my phone while I was on missions. I headed out of my room and moved towards the flight deck. I bowed my head in a small greeting to my pilot. "Thank you for flying me, Sir." I said in a charming tone. He just nodded in response. The hatch of the jet closed and I settled into the seats that lined the back walls. I dropped my attention to the book I had brought with me.

I was so absorbed in what was going on in my book that I hadn't been paying much attention to the flight or how long it had taken. "Agent Mitchell," The pilot's voice pulled me out of my book. I had been in my own little world getting through 7 chapters. I lifted my head at the sound of my own name, blinking a few times. Once the pilot noticed they had my attention, he spoke again. "We have arrived at our drop of point. Your ear piece is right there for you," He motioned to the small black case that held the earpiece I was meant to use. I nodded in thanks and took the piece before putting it in my ear. "Just call when you are ready for transport," I nodded again as the back hatch opened freeing me from the jet. It was still very early in the morning, so not many people were around to witness my drop off. I stepped out into the poorer side of Calcutta where Doctor Banner was supposed to be hiding out. The jet lifted itself into the air leaving me alone. I glanced around, we were on the furthest point of the outside of Calcutta. There wasnt much around, only a beat down empty house. I was going to have to work with what I had. My usual black suite made me stand out way more then I had wanted it to. I noticed a few older men staring at me. I ducked into the abandoned house that I had been dropped by. I grabbed a dusty abandoned cloak and wrapped it around myself. I pulled it up so it covered my hair and cloaked my face in shadows. I stepped back out into the streets, much less noticed this time around. I walked down the streets keeping my head low to stay unnoticed by those around me. Most people didn't even blink twice when they saw me. I was hoping if I walked on the streets I might get some information on where I could find Bruce. My eyes bounced from face to face none of them striking a nerve in my memory, none of them belonging to Bruce.

I heard some frantic voices, causing me to turn my head. I was ushered to the side as a mother passed me on the street. She paused just as she passed me looking over her shoulder.I turned my head following her gaze toward a pale man. He had dark brown curls and almost a permanent worried look on his features. He followed after the panicked mother. He was wearing a grey suit with a dark red button up underneath. He turned his head, catching my eye for a brief second. I turned my head, dropping my gaze away from him as to not alert him of me being there. If he noticed me, I was sure that he would be in the wind before I had a chance to do anything about it. Once he was gone out of sight, I allowed myself to lift my head again. I turned following after him and the worried mother he had been following. They disappeared into a small house. I did my best to stay silent as I snuck my way towards their open door. I peaked in the door and could hear them discussing something, but I spoke very little Bengali so I was having to try and piece together what was being said. I got an understanding that Dr. Banner was there to help her children who were very sick. An idea struck me, I could lure Bruce to the abandoned house I had been dropped by, which was much safer than trying to corner him in the center of this town. If he were to lose control out there, at least the only one in danger would be me, not the whole city. I turned away from the door to the house that Bruce was in. I spotted a small girl peering at me curiously. I gave her a warm smile and walked over to her. I knelt down in front of her.

"Hello," I greeted as I pulled the hood I was wearing back away from my face to allow her to see me better. Her brown eyes stared up at my blue ones in curiosity. I guess blue eyes like mine weren't that common in Calcutta. I just smiled warmly at her for a moment. "Can you help me?" I asked in English first hoping that she would understand me at least a bit. She bobbed her head up and down in a nod. I stood back up offering my hand to her. I lead her back to the door of the house. She poked her head in with me. I pointed out Bruce before moving her away. She came with me willingly. "You'll ask for his help, offer him money." I pulled out a handful of cash from a place on my belt. "Bring him to this house." I pointed out the abandoned house when we got to it. She nodded again, she seemed to understand what I needed her to do. "Good girl, you can keep the money after." I smiled at her reaching forward and messing with her dark curls. My plan was set, now all I had to do was wait and trust the girl.

((A new chapter *gasp* ! ;) More surprises ahead! Please enjoy and keep reading!))

(Word Count : 1038)

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