Chapter 9 (EDITED)

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**Aero's POV**

Once I was fully dressed and ready to head out for the mission, I zipped down the path towards the flight deck of the helicarrier. Steve and Natasha stood at the open hatch of a jet. I had only taken 30 seconds at the most to get changed and get up to the flight deck. Natasha moved into the seat next to pilot. She slid her head phones over her ears and started making sure everything was in the right place to fly. The hatch door closed behind Steve and myself. He stood just behind the cockpit holding on to the small handle so he wouldn't sway when the jet took off. I sat down politely in one of the cargo seats. The jet was quiet, It wasn't as easy for me to make small talk with Steve as it had been with Bruce. He seemed focus on the mission, so it was just better to stay quiet all together.

Chaos had already broken out when we finally arrived in Germany. I leaned in between Natasha and the pilot to look out the front window. A group of people were all huddled together surrounded by what looked like multiple Loki's. "Open the hatch," I spoke quickly pulling back and turning towards the back of the jet. The door didn't open by the time I reached it. My head snapped back around to Natasha. "Nat! Open it!" I demanded. Natasha looked reluctant, but did as I asked by opening the door. I could faintly hear Natasha warning me, but I ignored her and stepped out of the open hatch. We weren't far from the ground, but I did land kind of hard. A small crack in the concrete formed under my feet from the force of my landing. My head snapped up in the direction of the group where Loki stood above a group of kneeling people. Anger bubbled up inside me at the sight. Loki hadn't seemed to notice me land near by, so I stayed low and stayed quiet for the time being, looking for the perfect moment to strike. Suddenly, a elderly man stood up despite Loki towering over those around him. His face showed no fear as he stood opposite of Loki.

"Not to men like you," The man replied in a confident tone. He was denying what Loki said about them always kneeling in the end.

"There are no men like me," Loki smirked at the gentleman that dared to defy him.

"There are always men like you," The man showed no signs of backing down. He was not intimidated by Loki or his scepter. I couldn't help but admire how brave this man was. He had no superpowers that I could tell and yet he was standing opposite a god.

"Look to you elders, people." Loki called out to all of the other people kneeling around him. He lowered his staff pointing it directly at the man. That was it, His focus was on the man, giving me the opportunity to get in. "Let him be an example." He sent a blast from his scepter directed at the elderly gentleman. I zipped through the crowd before dropping down and knocking Loki's feet out from under him. The blast bounced off something hitting Loki in the chest at the same time I hit him in the feet. Loki hit the ground hard beside me. His angry glare bounced from somewhere in front of him to where I was beside him.

"The last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everyone else, We ended up disagreeing." Steve's voice caught my attention. I got back to my feet stepping back away from Loki. The tide parted as Steven walked towards Loki. Others in the crowd started to stand feeling more confident with Steve and myself there.

"SHIELD's secret weapon and the soldier." Loki looked from Me to Steve. He had Clint under his control, which meant he had access to knowledge about all of us. "The man out of time," He commented as he got to his feet. He had to use the staff to help balance himself until he was back on his feet.

"I'm not the one out of time," Steve threatened. The jet whipped around so it's weapons were aimed directly at Loki. Loki's expression turned to one of anger as Natasha called out on the PA system of the jet.

"Loki! Drop the weapon and stand down!" She ordered. Loki reacted quickly, doing almost the opposite of what Natasha had asked of him. He shot a blast directed at the jet. The pilot was swift with their movements dodging out of the way. Steve joined in throwing his shield at Loki while he was distracted by firing at the jet. The shield bounced off Loki's armor, which Steve quickly snatched out of the air. Steve ran at Loki and swung his fist. The punch collided with Loki's jaw, but Loki didn't really seem to react. I allowed myself to join in the small squabble. I blocked his scepter as he swung it down towards Steve. Loki growled in anger and frustration. He pulled back swinging the other end of the scepter managing to hit Steve in the side of the head with it. He kicked Steve in the stomach knocking him backwards. I stood opposite of Loki with my fists raised. I used my speed channeling it into my arms as I took a bunch of quick punches at Loki's midsection. He smacked me away with the end of his scepter. I was a bit disoriented as I rolled against the concrete. I came to a stop when my body collided with a concrete barrier. When my head stopped spinning, I noticed that Steve had gotten up and continued to scuffle with Loki before getting knocked away again.

"Kneel," He ordered as he placed the end of his scepter against Steve's helmet. I was back on my feet quickly. I jumped into the air kicking Loki in the back of his head. My attack gave Steve the opening to get back to his feet. The three of us exchanged blows and dodged around each other. Loki caught Steve in a headlock before throwing him at me. Steve and I collided knocking us both to the ground. I let out a small grunt as Steve fell on my chest.

"Sorry," Steve groaned in apology before rolling off me. I was about to get back to my feet when rock music started playing from the PA of the jet. The sound took everyone's attention away from the fight. A blast hit Loki in the chest knocking him back and away from Steve and myself. The Iron Man suite landed quickly cracking some of the concrete under his feet. The Iron Man suit straightened up aiming a bunch of small weapons at Loki.

"Make your move, Reindeer Games." Tony Stark's cocky voice came out of the speaker on the Iron Man suit. Loki sat on the steps putting his hands up in surrender to Tony. Steve had gotten to his feet at some point, and now he was offering his hand down to me. I accepted and allowed the captain to pull me back to my feet. "Good Move," All of Tony's weapons were put away as Steve and I moved to stand on either side of him. Tony and Steve exchanged greetings quickly as the jet landed behind us. The hatch fell open allowing all of us to board the jet. Steve grabbed Loki by the shoulder hauling him up and escorting him to the jet. Tony turned his attention to me. His mask slid open revealing his face. He was smirking down at me. I crossed my arms over my chest and tilted my head to the side watching him. "We haven't been introduced," He explained offering his hand. "I'm sure you know who I am, but whats your name, Beautiful?" He was attempting to be charming, which didn't work on me.

"Aero Mitchell." I said my name pretty plainly. Tony opened his mouth to say something else to me, but Natasha called for us to hurry up. "If you'll excuse me, Mr. Stark, not all of us can fly." I chuckled to myself as I turned away to get on the jet. I left Tony standing there dumbfounded for a moment, chuckling to myself. I stepped into the back of the jet settling down into a seat across from Loki, not speaking to Natasha or Steve. I was silently scolding myself for not grabbing my book from my room when I left the hellicarrier. I couldn't do much other than sit there and watch over Loki. 

(Word Count : 1,459)

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