Chapter 3 (EDITED)

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**Bruce's POV**

I was in my small shack in calcutta early in the morning, when frantic knocking took me out of my morning routine. I answered back quickly, moving to the door in attempts to see who was trying to get my attention. There had been a mystery illness that had been washing through the slums of calcutta. I was doing what I could to help those who could be helped. I opened my door to see a panicked looking mother. Her eyes were wide and she looked very scared. "Calm down, Calm down." I urged in Bengali to try and get her to take a breath.

"My children are sick," She explained to me. I nodded in understanding. "Please, help them." She urged me. I turned away from her grabbing my medicine bag from the floor near my bed. She waited for me at the door until I was ready. When I came back to her, she turned on her heels quickly leading me away from my little shack. She was yelling ahead of us, clearing those in the street out of our way. I noticed that her making a scene was drawing attention to me, which is not what I needed. I glanced around me at the faces that were watching us. My eyes stuck on a pair of earth shattering blue eyes that were mostly hidden under a hood. Our gazes met for a brief second before the owner of the eyes looked away. I didn't even get a chance to tell if the owner of the eyes were male or female. They stuck in my head though as I was tugged along by the mother of the sick children. I shook my head forcing the eyes out of my mind, before turning to do what I could for the family.

Once I was done taking care of the mother's children, I stood off to the side washing my hands throughly so I didnt get sick as well. I had been rushed around over the last few weeks as everyone seemed to need my attention. I was in my own thoughts when the mother's voice pulled me out of it. "Go away," She shooed. I turned around to see who she was talking to. A little girl with dark curls stood on their stairs arguing lightly with the mother.

"My papa," The little girl tried her best to explain. She had long dark hair and big doe eyes. She looked very worried as she offered her small fist out to me. In her hand was a bunch of bills all wadded up together. I tilted my head and knelt down so I could be closer to her view. I pointed over to the two young children that laid sick in bed.

"Like them?" I questioned. She turned her head when I pointed away from myself. She spotted the sick children and nodded again. She offered the crumpled bills in my direction again. I couldnt turn her down, so I gathered the last of my things tossing them into my bag. I stood, receiving thanks from the family I had just helped before I had left. I hadnt realized it had started to get late. It was already dark outside when I followed the little girl out into the streets of the slums. I was a bit apprehenisve about walking the streets at night, others could always see you better then you could see them. The little girl kept going ahead of me then pausing to wait for me to catch up to her. We were nearing the outer edge of town as she continued to lead me. She moved to cross a dirt road when I noticed a military jeep rolling in our direction. I reached forward catching her shoulder preventing her from running in front of them. I turned my head away as the jeep passed so they wouldnt pay any attention to me. The little girl ducked out of my hold the second that the jeep had passed up. I watched it roll off into the darkness of the night a bit more before I followed her across the street. I spotted a rundown looking house, If the girl hadnt been leading me towards it I would have thought it was abandoned. She stopped at the door urging me to follow one last time. As I stepped inside she disappered around a corner, when I found her again she was jumping out the back window bills still in her hand. "Should've gotten paid up from, Banner." I scolded myself. I reached up to brush my hair away from my forehead. She had dragged me all the way out into the middle of nowhere. I glanced around the house, the more I looked at it the more I could tell that it had been abandoned.

"For someone who's supposed to be avoiding stress, you picked a hell of a place." A melodic female voice filled my ears from somewhere near by in the house. I blinked in confusion and turned in search of the voice. I stopped when I spotted a female figure lingering in the shadows of one of the doorways. She ducked her head to miss a hanging sheet before stepping out into what little light was in the room. I couldnt take my eyes off of her as I found myself looking at what could have been the prettiest girl I had ever seen. She had long straight black hair that danced near her waist. Her skin of her face was flawless and very lightly tanned. The rest of her body was covered in a black leather suit. Her hand reached up brushing her bangs away from her eyes. That when I noticed them, her stunning crystal clear blue eyes. Even in the low light of the room around us they seemed to glow. She had been who I had seen on the streets earlier in the day.

((Sorry guys, as of right now. The edited parts do not match up with the not edited parts... oops ))

(Word Count : 1007)

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