Saving Kim

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(Emma's POV):

Wyatt and I had just finished getting our stuff from our lockers that took us about 10 minutes to find, when we heard some clattering and screams from the opposite hallway. I looked at him confused, and he just shrugged.

"Wanna go check it out?" I asked with a mischievous grin. He chuckled and nodded. "Sure, Em, just don't get us into too much trouble," he laughed. I grabbed his hand and dragged him down the hall, peeking my head past the corner so as not to draw too much attention to myself. I saw two people, one, facing us, was a girl with jet-black hair and really pale skin, with a green-ish hue.

"She needs some kind of skin oils... I don't think green skin is exactly 'in' now," I whispered to Wyatt, who rolled his eyes and tried not to laugh. My eyes were then drawn to the second figure, who was the same girl Wyatt and I had talked to earlier, and then to the side, I saw the blonde boy who was with her. Suddenly, the girl with the green skin snatched the boy and... what the heck? I turned to Wyatt, who was just as shocked as I was.

"Did... did she just fly?" I asked, "Or am I hallucinating again?"

"No... no, you're not. Well, unless I'm hallucinating with you, but I don't think so. She did just fly..." he whispered back, staring at the double doors. I looked at Kim, who was not laying down on the ground. I gasped and ran up to her, but she was unconscious. I hesitated and pulled out my CPR certification from my backpack, trying to remember what to do.

"Uh... m-my name's Emma Hunter! I'm here to help y- ah forget it, she's dying!" I shrugged off the formalities and checked her heart rate. It was still there, but it was very, very slow. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Wyatt. "Little help here??" I asked, becoming flustered with the current situation.

However, matters were taken out of my hands when a girl with straightened brown hair pushed me away. I looked up at her annoyed, and she put her hands on her hips.

"Step away from the cheerleader, Blondie. This is a job for the girl with the most training at the school, NOT some little geeky bookworm," she smirked, and my face turned red with anger.

"Who are you calling geeky, you... you..." I attempted to come up with an insult, but shrugged it off when I realized that matters were serious. "Nevermind! Look, I took a lifeguarding course over the summer, how about YOU step away from the cheerleader?" I spat back, and it seemed as though all of the confidence had been bruised from the girl. "You gonna stand there like a fish or grab me a chair?" I asked firmly, and she scoffed and ran off. I grinned and checked the girl's temperature. It seemed normal, maybe a little cold, but not too bad.

Another girl came with a chair, and I raised up her legs to get the blood flowing to her brain. I covered her up with my jacket, and minutes later, she started to wake up.

"Wyatt! She's waking up!" I grinned and watched her excitedly, hoping my efforts weren't all for naught. He smiled and flashed me a thumbs up, and I looked back at the girl, whose eyes were now starting to open.

"H-hello?" she said groggily, and I offered her a sip of my water. She took it, and then tried to sit up against the locker. "Careful, don't hurt yourself," I smiled, and she smiled back. "I-I'll try not to. So, what was your name again? I heard, but um, sorry, but I kinda forgot..." she chuckled nervously, and I grinned. "Name's Emma! It's okay, you probably took a serious mental jog back there..." I said, and she laughed. "Well, I've been through worse, but hey, thanks for helping me! Usually, I got a sidekick to help me with that... but..." she paused and her face dropped, "he's not here..." she sighed and I saw her look of pure defeat and sadness.

"Hey, it's okay! We can help you find him!" Wyatt piped up from the side, and I looked at him with a smile and gave him a look that was curious as to why he was all of a sudden so talkative. He just flashed back a small wink, and I grinned and looked away to hide the blush that was probably spreading across my face.

"You will? But how?" the girl asked. "Also, do you guys even know my name yet? Can't remember if I said anything..." she thought. "Um... I don't think so?" I replied, looking back at her. "Oh, well, name's Kim. Kim Possible," she said, and my eyes widened.

"Wait! That's YOU? You're KP?" Wyatt asked from the side. He had been obsessed with Kim Possible for years, but I thought he would have noticed who she was from the beginning. "I've only seen stories about you on the news from home, but to be honest, never really knew what you looked like, I didn't pay much attention to the pictures," he smiled sheepishly. I snorted and looked away again.

"Yep, that's me! But, um, for some reason, I feel... drained... like I have no strength. I wond- RAY!" she yelled, and I looked at her weird. "Who-who's Ray?" I asked. "No, no, not WHO, it's WHAT! She shot me with a ray before she ran off with Ron!"

"Flew... she flew off..." Wyatt said from the side, and Kim looked at him and stared at him for a second before saying, "Riiiiiight... flew... anyways!" she went on into a spiel about a bunch of super secret spy stuff that I had absolutely no idea what meant, but I nodded and smiled like I knew what she was talking about.

(Wyatt's POV)

I was still fazed that I was standing by THE Kim Possible. I looked at Emma, and she was as clueless as any blond you'll find. "So, if I'm right, that green lady's name is Shego, and she kidnapped your best friend, Ron," I told Kim. Emma looked at me, and she was in some sort of a trance.

I waved my arms in front of her, and was yelling her name. "EMMA! Yo dudette, wake up!" I laughed. She finally broke out of her trance, and smiled. "Sorry. I was thinking.. of something," she chuckled. "Anywho, we can help you get your friend back!" Emma exclaimed.

"And how are you two going to help me?" Kim asked Emma. "Easy, you got a nerd here that will help you formulate a plan-" I cut her, by adding in "you mean Wade, right? I doubt I can do anything. Wade's like the smartest dude on the planet!" I exclaimed.

I was getting a bit too excited, but what can I say, so is the person writing this. "Right, Wade. Well I guess I should tell him about what happened," Kim mumbled as she managed to get to her locker, despite her after effects.

She swung it open, and Wade came on the computer. "Hey guys- wait, who are these two, and where's Ron?" he asked Kim. "Shego came in, knocked me out, and kidnapped Ron. These two.. I forgot their names-" "Emma and Wyatt," I cutted in.

"Right, anyways they saved me, and here we are. Anyways, I need coordinates to the exact location that she took him," she told Wade. Within seconds, Wade was getting to work. "Well, unfortunately, I cannot locate him. She must be somewhere that either no people go to, or she just went off the grid that quick," Wade told Kim.

"Now how am I going to find Ron!" Kim said frustrated. "Hey, it's going to be ok. We'll find him," Emma said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "And how are you going to do that?" I heard Kim ask. I left the two to bicker, because I had caught something in my peripheral vision.

I walked over to the object and saw that it was a small strand of Shego's hair. Now, I know you can track DNA to the person, but I knew this was an impossible feat if she was untrackable. I walked over to the two girls, who at this point were just staring at me.

"Uh Wyatt, you ok?" Emma asked me. "Mhm. Found a strand of Shego's DNA. Think you can use this to track her Wade?" I asked him. "Should be no sweat," he grinned. I handed it to Kim, who put it on the little pad of her Kim-municator for Wade to scan.

It took a few seconds, and beeped. "Well, here's the coordinates. I can guarantee she has the whole place booby trapped. Looks like you need a new sidekick," Wade said as he cut off. Kim turned and looked at the two of us.

"New sidekick, huh? Let's see I got a nerd and a girl who can probably kick butt.. Should be easy training," she said confidently. My eyes lit up, and I got excited. Emma looked at me like I lost it, but I ignored her. "So, when do we start?" Emma asked Kim.

"How's after school sound? I can introduce you to the tweebs and my parents too," Kim told us. "Sounds like fun! So, are you ok or you need help?" Emma asked. "I'll be fine, thanks. Talk to you guys in a few hours, unless we got class or something together," she waved as we waved bye back. "Ah, today's been fun, eh Em?" I smirked.

"I-uh yeah!" she stammered. "Are you ok, or do I need to perform CPR on you?" I said sarcastically. I noticed her face got bright red, and I was seriously questioning if she was ok. "Yo Em, me, you, class, now," I said slowly, making sure she heard every word. "Uh.. yeah! Sorry, I zoned out there. Let's get to class," she said as she grabbed my arm.

Sidekick Stress - A Kim Possible Fanfiction (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now