- Chapter 12 -

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Sykkuno awakes, his eyes opening slowly. The boy raises his head, and to his surprise, his eyes lock with another.

''Morning.'' Corpse says. Sykkuno's face reddens as he stutters, ''D-did I wake you up?'' he asks. 

''Nope, I woke up a while ago.''

Sykkuno slowly releases himself from Corpse's grasp and stands up to stretch. ''Umm, why are you here?'' he asks quietly.

''Why wouldn't I be here?'' Corpse answers. Sykkuno raises an eyebrow before Corpse realizes. He's not at the palace. If his father hears he decided to sneak away, he'll never hear the end of it. Sykkuno fiddles with his hands as he watches Corpse get up to leave, ''I'll see you later.'' Corpse says. Sykkuno smiles and responds with a simple ''mhm.''

He stands there, zoning out. ''Maybe we can cuddle later?'' he wonders.


The day of the test at the palace had finally arrived after many months of lectures and work. Unfortunately, he hadn't seen Corpse much for the past 2 weeks. He explained his father placed a stricter schedule for him after he learned Corpse has been out and about.

Sykkuno prepared himself, grabbing an apple and packing his bag with his notebook. He wanted to look extra presentable, so he neatened up his messy hair.

Afterwards, he put on his shoes and was out the door. If all goes well, Sykkuno will pass the test joining Ludwig in the palace to help gain information for blackmail. Not to mention, the salary is worth it.

He walks through the entrance and is immediately met with a ball of fur pouncing on him. ''Aha! Hi Bimbus!'' He greeted, although Bimbus was wet and... soapy? Behind him, Rae came out panting. ''Sorry, I tried to give Bimbus a bath, but he was waaaaaaaay to hyper.''

''Looking after a dog is pretty difficult, huh.'' Sykkuno mumbles. ''Yeah, so I was thinking. Is it possible you could look after him from here on out?''

''You want me to look after him?''

''Yeah, I thought looking after a dog would be easy, but with all the responsibilities I have, it's uh...''

Sykkuno knew how inconvenient it is for Rae. Also, Bimbus was quite fond of him, ''Ok. I will, but you'll need to handle him for just a little longer. Where I'm staying now isn't suitable for a dog.''

''Got it, I'll wait!'' Rae cheers. ''You should see Leslie. She'll basically just teach you how to look after him.''

''Will do, thanks!''

''No problem, and good luck on your test!''

''Thanks!'' Sykkuno beams, contiuning to walk.

"Alright, talk to Leslie later."

After long minutes of walking, Sykkuno had finally made it to the main entrance of the palace. However, the gates were closed. He noticed two men standing by each side of the gate wearing guard uniforms. "What is your business here?" the taller guard asks. ''Oh! I'm here for the herbalist course. Here's my application.'' Sykkuno says, handing him a piece of small paper Ludwig had given him.

"You're all good to go,'' he said. The guard signalled the other and opened the gate. "Do you know where to go?" he asks. "I-I think so..."

"Just go through that path towards the west wing." he said, ''There will be a large courtyard. You'll meet the host there,"

"Oh! Thank you, Mr..."

"Abe. That's Peter.'' Abe says, gesturing over to the man on the other side of the gate. "Well, thanks for your help again." Sykkuno bowed slightly and was on his way.

While walking along the path, Sykkuno began to lose his cool. Overthinking again, everyone had the expectations set for him. His only worry would be if he could reach them.

He makes it to the end of the path and notices a young boy, no more than 13, standing in front of a large door. "Hello!" Sykkuno waves. "Are you here for the test?" the boy asks. "Oh, yes."

"Could I see your application." the boy asked, although it sounded more like a demand. Sykkuno handed him the paper, and the boy nodded. He returned the application and let Sykkuno through the entrance. To which Sykkuno was wide-eyed. Multiple desks surrounded by large bookshelves were seen. There were tall pillars made of marble at each corner of the room. Sykkuno even noticed a display of jewels and gems. "Like a museum..." he thought.

He sees an open seat beside a taller man, so he sits down. ''I can do this, just remember everything you've learnt.''

He flips through his notebook and revises to pass the time, although the wasn't much time anyway. Just 5 minutes later, it began.

A woman walks to the front of the room, ''She must be The Chief.'' For each unit, whether it's housework, gardening or training guards. Each group will have a chief who organizes events and gifts tasks.

She had long silver hair, with a small hair clip shaped like a leaf in her hair. ''Welcome everyone, and thanks for coming.'' she began. ''You all know why you're here, but let me give you the rundown.''

The Chief explained what everyone needs to complete, how to complete it, and where to get resources. The test was similar to the one Sykkuno took at the Pharmacy. Everyone would be expected to create a herb-based medicine. But this time, the participants were not given a choice for what they must produce.

As for resources, outside, there's a greenhouse with all different plants. Everyone will be graded for how quickly and efficient they are. But there's one thing to note. If someone decides to use a more uncommon herb, that also increases the score, as the castle is looking for peers who know not only in most common herbs. In other words, they're looking for variety.

Two people wearing white uniforms handed out each person a sheet of paper. It explains to everyone, in black ink, what they must create for what issue.

''And it begins...now.'' The Chief announces.

Sykkuno skims through the list before he notices everyone standing up and walking outside. Quickly, but quiet. He decides the follow the crowd and notes that they're all walking towards the greenhouse. Although some choose to stay inside for now.

Once the greenhouse has been entered, Sykkuno was in awe. The building was made out of glass, with levels with planters displaying multiple different herbs. A road of water was placed beside the planters to ensure the herbs we're hydrated.

(This is my message to stay hydrated)

Everyone was quick to gather their materials, and Sykkuno began to worry if there would be any left for him. So he collected the basics, chamomile, aloe vera and others. He was on his way to harvest some basil, but it seems like he wasn't the only one. The man he sat beside when he entered the palace got there first, pruning then collecting it.

''Crap, is there any left?'' he wondered. However, to his dismay, there was none. ''It's fine. Basil isn't needed THAT much anyway. Maybe there's something else I can use...''

Sykkuno frantically searches the area. The people in the greenhouse begin to disperse and leave. This isn't helping his stress.

He finally finds something, but by this time, he was the last person in the greenhouse.

''Oregano. Used to help treat indigestion, colds, skin sores, cramping and regulate blood sugar,'' he says aloud, smiling.

''It sounds like you know what you're doing.'' 

Sykkuno turns his head, startled by the sudden voice. ''Corpse?''


So, how long has it been? Sorry again for the late update! But we are here now so that's good. 

  Don't really have much to say, but I hope y'all are doing welllllll

Again, if you find any grammatical or spelling errors lemme know :D

Have a good morning, afternoon, or night! 

(Also thanks to CofeeBea for some of the ideas used in today's chapter!)

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