- Chapter 40 -

641 40 72

CW/TW: Blood, Violence and Depictions of Death

It was always a tradition for both rulers of a kingdom to shake hands before potentially invading each other. Corpse had always thought it was ridiculous. They were about to have a clash, and they shake hands? At this point, however, he didn't care.

A forest surrounded the battlefront, so once everything started, Corpse and Sykkuno dashed off to the side, taking cover within it.

The herbalist watches in horror as he sees people screaming before falling into their own puddle of blood. These people are giving up the ghost. Their eyes lay dull and soulless, and Sykkuno feels himself shiver when the orbs of a dead soldier are looking right at him.

An Offpire soldier near them falls to the ground. He gasps in agony and clutches his leg. Sykkuno and Corpse hurry over and drag him back. Sykkuno's first instant is to heal the man, so he receives the medical supplies Ludwig had given him before they left Offpire. But Corpse stops him, "You remember what we need to do." he whispers. That's right, they're not supposed to help Offpire. They're meant to kill them. But Sykkuno had never killed someone before, and he refused to have the blood on his hands.

Sykkuno receives his dagger and uses the handle to knock the man out, hitting it in the middle of his neck. He hit it solid and could already see a bruise starting to form. Corpse gazes with wide eyes but says nothing, understanding the memo. They won't kill unless absolutely necessary.

Corpse brings the unconscious body and lays it in the bushes. After Sykkuno healed him, of course.

In the distance, Sykkuno notices Rae subtly stabbing Offpire's soldier's in the legs and speeding away. But his heart stops when he hears someone call traitor. He covers his eyes when two guards drag Rae off her horse and throw her on the ground. One of them raises their sword and plunges it into her side. Rae screams and is left in the dirt. The knights are unfazed and leave her to bleed out. That's what Offpire does. They leave people in pain rather than ending quickly. But in this case, it's good. It gives them a chance to save her.

"We need to help her!" Sykkuno yelps. "You're right. We'll have to be quick. She's far away."

The boys ready their feet before sprinting off. Corpse keeps a firm grip on Sykkuno's hand, leading him through the mob. Soon, they reach Rae and hoist her up onto Corpse's back. They run again, their feet aching. But at the moment, they couldn't think of anything but getting Rae to safety. Corpse runs behind where most of the knights are, leaving them hidden from view. They hide and place Rae down gently.

Blood is oozing out of her waist, and she whimpers. "Damn," she giggles. "That was so cool."

The boys quietly laugh while maintaining their composure. At the moment, Sykkuno unfolds the contents of his bag. He didn't have much experience treating someone in a high-pressure situation like this, but the brunet had no other choice.

"We need pressure around the wound," he says. Corpse rips off a piece of his shirt and places it down onto the injury, lightly pressing. Sykkuno grabs a flask filled with water, and Corpse moves his hands and lifts Rae's shirt up.

Sykkuno always hated the sight of blood, and he pauses for a moment. If he fails, Rae could end up dead. He can't let that happen.

After washing the dirt away, he uses a layer of the ointment mainly made of Eucalyptus, courtesy of Ludwig once again.

As he applies it, Corpse unwinds a bandage and passes it to Sykkuno once he's done. Corpse raises her body up, allowing Sykkuno to wrap it around her securely. "I'll keep a close eye on her, make sure she doesn't get a fever," he says. The medical supplies he had weren't the best. Rae needed stitches. "We should bring her back to Offpire." Corpse preposes. Sykkuno nods, "Right, we can take one of the horses,"

"Have you ever rode a horse before?" Corpse asks. "Uh, once or twice."

"Alright, you take Rae back. I'll stay here." Corpse announces. "Rae, can I borrow your sword?" Rae had been keeping a steady grip on his sword, even when she was thrown to the soil. She nods tiredly and does her best to stay awake. "But, you could seriously get hurt, you know that, right?!" Sykkuno worries. Corpse brings Sykkuno into a hug before placing a kiss on his cheek. "I know, but we don't have time. I can help out here. You help Rae."

Sykkuno nods and stands up to support Rae. However, before they leave, they notice another herbalist aiding an Offpire soldier. Sykkuno grimaces when he recognizes the man as Nox. Corpse lets out what sounds like a growl and runs up to pull the man away from the soldier, leaving him to bleed out. Nox begins to yell and flail his body around. Corpse shushes him and throws him against a tree, so hard, in fact, some leaves fall down.


Nox looks up and pushes his back against the tree further. "Me," he responds.

The two invoke in something like a staring contest before Corpse speaks. "Why did you-"

"Shut up."

Corpse recoils and furrows his eyebrows together before throwing a punch at Nox's face.

"Why did you do it?" he asks again, calmly.

"It wasn't my intention in the beginning, ok? Not only did I hear Thomas talking to Ludwig, but I also saw you guys getting all lovely dovey that day it began to snow."

Sykkuno raises an eyebrow, "I'm sorry, when?"

Nox deadpans, "That time when it was snowing. You held Bimbus in your arms, and The Prince almost fell off the railing?"

"That's just disturbing, stalker."

Nox rolls his eyes, "I'll admit, I was interested in you, so I observed."

"Alright then, motherfuc-," Corpse brings Rae's sword up to Nox's neck and pushes it ever so slightly. "Corpse." Sykkuno booms. "Don't." Despite his anger, Corpse knocks Nox out rather than killing him. He had no idea what he would have done if Sykkuno wasn't there to stop him. Corpse wishes to have no blood on his hands either.

A horse is trotting around with a soldier dead at its feet. Sykkuno smiles at Corpse and begins to walk towards it, holding Rae. But then they hear the sound of a horn. "What was that?!" Sykkuno yelped. Rae ascends her head and narrows her eyes. "It's a retreat. Offpire is retreating."

Corpse marks in the distance that another kingdom has come to join in. The Aquilon Kingdom is allied with Ambrose, and now, Offpire is outnumbered. "This is perfect," Corpse mumbles. He picks up Rae and runs towards the horse, Sykkuno following behind him. Soon, they meet up with the others, them with their own horses. "Jesus Rae!" Leslie shrieks, looking at the bloodstain. Rae chuckles, "I know, right?"

Toast helps Rae mount the horse before he mounts it himself. "We have to get to the mine. We can meet Lily and Micheal there. I'm sure they'll be some doctors with extra supplies there too." he says. 

"Ambrose and Aquilon are going to invade Offpire. So we need to meet up with the others fast."




just keep reading, special messages are at the end :)

no question rn cuz I can't think of any o-o

have a good morning, afternoon or night!


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