- The End -

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Corpse was rushed back to the mines, slipping in and out of consciousness. Asher was tapping his face, watching his eyes to keep track of his state. There was a moment where time skipped, and Corpse blacked out before waking back up in the mines. He didn't know how Rae dealt with this, but she did have a higher tolerance than him.

Sykkuno's face popped into view, and behind him was Dan bringing Asher into a hug. Asher came back safe and sound, along with Bingus and Bimbus. Corpse always wondered if he would have kids himself. Never once had it crossed his mind, but he relaxed at the thought of a small child running around.

It was one of his last thoughts before he felt his eyes droop. The injury was deeper than he thought it was. He heard Sykkuno mentioning something about a 'vital organ?' That's not good. He didn't want to die yet.


Once Sykkuno brought Corpse into the mines, doctors had set up makeshift beds which he placed the boy upon. Rae was resting peacefully, Toast by her side. At least she'd be alright. He wasn't sure about Corpse, though.

Doctors rushed over, bringing supplies with them. Sykkuno took Corpse's shirt off and examined the wound. The doctors had decided to take over, for the most part, ordering Sykkuno to do the stitches.

The moment Sykkuno saw Corpse limping in the grass, he felt his heart shatter. He wouldn't know what to do if Corpse had ended up dead.

After numbing the area, Sykkuno began to thread the needle, following the steps he learnt back at the palace. He heard Corpse groan and flutter his eyes open. The doctor covered the boy's eyes with a towel, so he wouldn't have to see the procedure. Corpse bit his lip and felt around with his hand. His fingers touched Sykkuno's arm briefly, but the herbalist didn't flinch. Instead, he smiled warmly and continued.

The only thing Corpse heard were whispers.


Corpse woke up with a pain in his chest. He began to sit up, but someone lightly pushed him down. "Good morning," Sykkuno greeted, placing a kiss on his forehead. "Hey, beautiful."

The boy flushed and furrowed his eyebrows. "Well, uh- how are you feeling?"

Corpse scoffed, "I'm alive."

"Yeah, I can see that."

"Thanks to you." Corpse grinned, his face fully exposed.

Sykkuno giggled and caressed the other's face. "It'll take some time to heal," he mentions, gesturing to his chest. "Thankfully, the wound is angled in a way that missed your vital organs, despite being fairly deep."

"At least I'll end up with a cool scar." Corpse grins before looking around.

"Where am I?"

"Ludwig's pharmacy. We managed to transport the injured here."

"The soldiers...?"

"They were forced to surrender. We're just waiting for the person in royal authority to officialize it."

"But The King is..."

"Yeah, you're the heir to the throne now that you're father's-" Sykkuno stops. "Don't worry about it right now. The soldiers are contained. Get some rest."

"I'm not tired." Corpse said, "I want to go officially call this whole thing off already."

Sykkuno sighed, "Well, I guess it's your call considering you're technically the king."


Corpse had always dreamt of the time he'd be crowned king. But as he grew, the less involved he wanted to be with royalty. Besides, his cousin could always fill in the spot. He was a natural leader with a kind spirit. He would make a perfect king.

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