- Chapter 42 -

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CW/TW: Blood, Violence and Death

After running through the halls, the boys reach the medical wing, pushing through the oak doors. Sykkuno looks around frantically and hears soft sobbing. He runs over to the lab, entering through the doorway and finds Asher curled up into the corner, holding onto Bingus and Bimbus. Bimbus immediately runs up to the boy and jumps onto his legs. Sykkuno picks him up and kneels beside Asher.

Asher was crying in fear. Sykkuno couldn't blame him. Who could? The boy said nothing and raised his hand to give the herbalist something. In his small palms were Delphinium Flowers that were crushed up. Sykkuno smiles and takes the plants into his own hands. "He remembered my favorite flower."

Corpse softens at the sight of Sykkuno hugging Asher to his side. "Alright, we need to get out of here." he declares. Corpse is about to agree until he remembers the view of his father fleeing the fight. "I have an idea. You guys go to the dorms and hide up there, lock all the doors."

"W-what?! Where are you going?"

"My father fled, and I think I know where."

Sykkuno looks at the other expectantly.

"There's a bunker, hidden underground behind the castle. It isn't too far from here."

"What are you planning to do there?"

"Just planning to have a chat."

"Isn't it dangerous?"

Cadáver chuckles and leans down beside him. He removes his mask and places a peck on Thomas's lips. "I'll be back, I promise."


Corpse ran fast. He caught a glimpse of the flower field, the place where he and Sykkuno kissed for the very first time. Corpse vowed he would bring his lover there again.

As he continued running, he came across a patch of grass that was slightly losing its color. There was also a reddish stain. It's smelt like blood.

He paid it no mind and continued to run, ignoring the pain in his legs and the inconsistency in his breathing.

Soon, he found the hidden trapdoor, covered in grass to disguise it. Inside, his father would be waiting. Carefully, Corpse opens the trapdoor with the latch and slips inside. He walks down the stairs cautiously until he reaches a rather large room. Corpse had only been here once. It was when his father had shown it to him. It came with food for years, comfy beds and books. A calming place if you forget about all the fighting going on above.

Corpse is surprised to see the scene of blood trailing along the floor and follows it until he reaches a room. He opens the door, and with no hesitation, he draws Rae's sword.

The tip of the weapon points at The King's head. Corpse is about to speak when he sees what the man is holding. In his father's hands is his mother's dead body. He's horrified and steps back, hitting the wall behind him.

"I saw her in the fields. I tried to save her but-," The King's voice was shaky, "I failed."

The blood Corpse saw earlier was his own mothers.

Both his parents were horrible people, but they were the only parental figures in his life. He did hold a deep connection to them.

"I'm sorry." his father croaks. "I didn't want it to happen like this. I only wanted to be loved." The King began to sob, grasping tightly on his wife's carcass.

For one of the few times in his life, Corpse bent down at met his father's eyes. He found himself sympathizing with the man, holding out his hand. "Come with me. We can figure something out," he said.

The King shook his head slowly, his eyes dim. He eyed the sword, tears streaming down his face quicker. "Can we really?"

Corpse nods, "We can get someone you can talk to. You won't be The King, but you can still live a happy life."

He looks down at his wife and places her down. "Alright, let's do that."

Corpse helps his father up with a grunt and begins to walk out of the bunker. They reach outside and take a breath of fresh air.

"You know, son," The King began. "even at times like these, you continue to be naive."


The King punches Corpse in the nose, and the boy can feel his tears welling up. His father latches his hands onto Rae's sword and holds the handle, swinging quickly at Corpse's chest.

Corpse is unable to dodge completely as the tip of the blade thrashes against his skin. He hisses in pain and tackles the man to the ground, holding down the arm which held the weapon.

The King uses his feet to push Corpse off, heading in for the final blow. The boy rolls away and stands up, plunging his dagger into The King's back. The boy flinches as the man roars in pain. Using his current vulnerability, Corpse kicks at the man's legs sending him onto the ground. Corpse retrieves his dagger and sends it to the man's neck.

He's stopped, however, by his father's hand, holding tightly onto Corpse's arm. The King flings himself around, flourishing the sword, barely missing his son's stomach.

Corpse wields his dagger loosely. He feels his vision begin to blur.

Is this where he dies?

There are so many things he has yet to do.

No, he won't die now.

He can't die now,

for Sykkuno's sake and his own.

Corpse runs at The King, dropping down to the side to avoid an attack and dives the dagger into his father's calf. He moves out of harm's way before knocking the sword out of the man's hand. The King drops down to the ground and smiles menacingly.

"You may think this will end things, but I will continue to haunt you even throughout death." he says. "I never saw you as a son. But I know how that feels, I figured if you knew what it felt like you'd help me." he snickered. 

"But I was wrong. Now, my family will resent me forever."

Corpse screams in misery as he sends the dagger into The King's heart. Corpse takes no pleasure in doing so. A man who was alive just a moment ago has died due to his hands. Everything was bloody, and Corpse resists the urge to pass out.

He stands and walks towards the sword, picking it up. Cadáver walks as quickly as he can. The palace isn't too far. He distracts himself from the distasteful sensation in his chest, with thoughts of Thomas. He'd considered that they should move into the cottage where they first met. 

Cadáver would renovate the place, give a new coat of paint and replace the furniture. He would even have a greenhouse installed right next to where they lived for Thomas.

Corpse was getting closer and moved his walk into a jog, then a run, then a sprint. So close.

He can see Sykkuno and Asher running towards him, both with frightened looks on their faces. Corpse runs to them, flopping into Sykkuno's arms. 

"It's over," he announces.

"We can stop now."



So uh, this still isn't the end of the story yet. We still have a chapter left + the epilogue O_O [Maybe two chapters then the epilogue?]

In any case, the story is coming to a close :)

Thank you all for reading this far into the story, it does mean a lot!

Question: Favorite drink? [Hot chocolate for me ;)]

have a good morning, afternoon or night!


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