- Chapter 17 -

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  The two of them quickly separate a few seconds later. Sykkuno immediately flings his hand to cover his mouth, averting his eyes away from Corpse. Corpse reflects the same action but this time coughing awkwardly. They both silent, neither one of them felt uncomfortable. "So um..." Corpse began. "S-sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? It didn't f-feel bad or anything."



"I should get going..." Corpse said. "Y-yeah, me too."

"I'll see you later?"

"Of course," Sykkuno responds. Corpse nods before hastily stand to walk away. Once Corpse was out of his view, Sykkuno fell loose on the ground and erupted into a fit of giggles. His lips still tingled from the sensation of the prince's lips on his. His face felt hot, and his mouth was beginning to get sore from all the smiling.

Never once has the boy ever experienced something like this, but he was glad his first was with Corpse.

However, his thoughts were disrupted when he felt something wet on his cheek. "Ack! Bimbus!"

The boy couldn't stop replaying the moment in his head ever since he got back to the cottage. He felt as though he couldn't stay focused. Nonetheless, he managed to pack everything. What for?

Today, he would be given a tour of the castle. The medical unit offered to help provide dorms for those who need them, so Sykkuno wouldn't be living in the cottage anymore. He brought some extra clothes, food, toiletries and supplies for Bimbus. Sykkuno managed to stay organized by carrying the supplies for Bimbus, this time tucking it away in a paper bag.

He stepped outside onto the gravel path and turned around to take one last look at the cottage. Sykkuno gazed down and saw Bimbus walking around him in circles. "Ok, ok, let's go," he says.


While on his way to the palace, Sykkuno runs into Dan. "Oh, Sykkuno!" he shouts from across the street. The boy runs over, slightly out of breath. "I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?" the man asks. "I'm doing well thanks, I got a position in the medical unit at the palace."

"Really? Did you see Asher there?"

"I did. I was wondering about that." Sykkuno says. "Why is he at the castle?"

"Jem and I have been really busy recently, so a few guards at the castle said they wouldn't mind taking care of him in the meantime." Dan begins.

"He also has quite an interest in herbs, so he makes good conversation with the medical chief."

"That's interesting. Does that make you an Anchor then? Since you have connections and all."

"It does, cool stuff, right?" Dan smiles, "But I've been hearing these rumours lately,"

"Oh, what kind?" Sykkuno said nervously. "Something about raids? I heard a couple in the street talking about it. I didn't mean to eavesdrop or anything of the sort." Sykkuno shuffles uncomfortably. "Oh, really?" 

"Yeah, they seemed quite wealthy, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were Anchors as well."

Sykkuno coughed, "I should leave."

"Alright, I'll see ya around." Dan waves as he watches Sykkuno walk away.

"Well, there isn't much I can do about the rumours." he thinks to himself.


Sykkuno passes through the gates with a casual greeting to Abe and Peter. He walks to the west wing once again. The boy notices Asher sitting outside, reading. "Well, he seems rather enraptured." Sykkuno walks past Asher quietly to not disturb his reading.

He opened the large wooden door back into the course room. It was more empty than before. Since, of course, only a few were chosen to be employed. Sykkuno counted a total of 10 people, including himself. The brunet sat down and decided to draw to pass the time.

Finally, The Chief entered the room. Everyone stood up and respectfully bowed while waiting for instructions. "Good morning, welcome to the unit. If those who registered for dorms could please come with me. Everyone else may stay here in the time being."

Sykkuno stood up and gathered his belongings, as did some others. The group followed The Chief, and they were brought into a cozy-looking room. It involved multiple tables, a leather couch and shelves, even a small kitchen. The fireplace was lit while the group noticed a hairless cat sleeping in front of it. Sykkuno took a look at Bimbus. Thankfully, the dog didn't show any signs of aggression.

"Ah. Don't mind Bingus here." The Chief says.

The Chief shows everyone their rooms and roommates. She gave everyone time to quickly drop their possessions off.

He decided to bring Bimbus with him as it didn't seem like the dog would leave him anytime soon anyway.

After everyone was finished, the group returned to the course room to retrieve the others and continue with the tour.


The Chief showed everyone the complete medical wing, the greenhouses, the courtyard and even a few other unit stations. Finally, The Chief handed out everyone's IDs. Now, everyone was officially a part of The Anchors.

"I'll just need to collect everyone's sizes for your uniforms, please." The Chief says.

With the tour concluded, everyone either went back to their dorms, headed home or continue to roam the property. Which is what Sykkuno did. He went outside towards the garden.

The sound of the water of the river running calmed him. It was almost hard to believe he was ever a runaway in the first place. Sykkuno felt like he lived here all his life. He sat down on the bench and pulled out his notebook with Bimbus at his feet.

Bimbus was giving him a puppy eye look, tilting his head like he was asking for something. "Oh alright, here," he said. Sykkuno grabbed the bag and pulled out a dog treat to which he fed Bimbus.

The dog, now satisfied, began to walk away, sniffing plants and playing in the dirt. Sykkuno watched then went back to his notebook, continuing the drawing from before. He did make occasional glances to make sure Bimbus didn't run away.

It was then when he heard footsteps to his right and turned his head, and to his surprise, he met face to face with a lady, a familiar lady.

"Hello, Thomas," she said. Sykkuno was unfazed at the sight of the other being. "Of course, she would be here."

"Good afternoon, Emma."


Hello! Hope you guys are doing well!

I didn't make you guys wait a week for this chapter :D

Let us converse: The fandoms you're in? It could be a show, anime, book, anything!

My mouth is kinda dry :(

Anyway, have a good morning, afternoon, or night!


P.S: This isn't proofread since I wrote this at 2 am. Alright bye!

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