xix. It's Called the Forbidden Forest for a Reason, Guys

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The time had come yet again for Remus' monthly trip to visit his mum. He had been acting quite strange, James thought to himself, as he watched Remus move as if every bone in his body was about to break.

It was very late one cloudy May night and James lay very still in his four-poster, not wanting to let Remus know he was awake. He watched as the sandy haired boy carefully picked up his cloak and limped quietly out of the dormitory.

"It's odd, don't you think?" came Sirius' voice.

James turned his head to squint through the darkness at Sirius, who had also been silently watching Remus from his own four-poster. "What's odd?"

"Remus is gone for days at a time, but when he leaves, he never packs a bag or anything."

"I've noticed that too," came Peter's voice.

James nodded solemnly. "Have you noticed how he always seems to be sick and aching all over before and after his trips?"

Sirius and Peter both agreed that Remus had been acting quite strange. Sirius stood, the floor creaking as he made his way to the window that faced the courtyard. The full moon shone through the window, illuminating his face.

"Look, there he is! With Madam Pomfrey!" he exclaimed, pointing.

James and Peter rushed to the window and saw Remus hobbling across the grass, holding onto Madam Pomfrey for support.

Peter frowned. "Isn't the Hogwarts Express platform the other way?"

"Maybe he's taking another mode of transportation?" Sirius suggested.

They watched in silence as the two miniscule specks made their way towards a tree, which stood alone, very isolated from the rest of the plants that decorated Hogwarts' exterior. The tree looked fairly normal, but the second Remus and Madam Pomfrey got too close, it began to swing its branches wildly and aggressively.

"What is that thing?" Peter hissed.

"The Whomping Willow," Sirius breathed. "I heard they just planted it this year. Completely mental if you ask me."

"What are they doing?" James squinted and saw Madam Pomfrey wave her wand, and the tree froze and relaxed, as if she had put it to sleep. Then, to James' astonishment, Remus slipped through a hole at the base of the tree trunk and disappeared from sight. Madam Pomfrey didn't follow him. Instead, she turned around and retreated back to the castle.

Peter blinked. "What in Merlin's beard was that about?"

James shook his head. "That's it, we're going down there." He rummaged through his trunk and pulled out the Invisibility cloak.

"Are you mad?" Peter asked. "That's a terrible idea. Those branches look like they could kill you with one hit! Besides, you two have already been warned about staying out of trouble."

"Come on Peter, are you a man or a mouse?" Sirius chided. "I'm with James. Loony Lupin is even loonier than I thought. I've got to see where he went!"

"You've got to be joking. What if we get caught?"

"It'll only be a detention or two. You aren't scared of detention, are you?"

Peter worked his mouth, but no reply came out.

"You don't have to come if you don't feel comfortable, Peter," James said carefully.

Peter groaned. "Of course I'm coming, but I still think it's a horrible idea. If we get caught, you two better take the blame."

"I'll always take the blame for you, Pete," Sirius said cheekily.

Peter weakly returned Sirius' grin as James threw the cloak over their heads.

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