xxi. Maybe You're Not A Complete Toerag After All

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James stepped through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor common room only to collide with Lily Evans who looked positively furious.

"What the hell, Potter?"

James rolled his eyes. "It's three in the morning, Evans," he snapped. "I'm not in the mood for you to yell at me right now. I've already heard it from my dad and Dumbledore."

He went to move past her but she blocked his way.

"Tell me what happened." she said forcefully.

"It's none of your business," he said, irritated. "If you really want to know, why don't you ask your best friend Severus? He seems invested in all that Death Eater nonsense."

"Death Eater?" Lily echoed. "What's a Death Eater?" Her tone had softened from accusatory to curious.

James looked at her and sighed, knowing she deserved to know, especially considering her parentage. He ran a hand through his hair and sat on the couch by the fireplace, gesturing for her to do the same.

"Death Eaters are a group of people who believe that only witches and wizards with pure magical blood should be able to learn and do magic. They're the same people that attacked Frank Longbottom's family on Christmas." He watched as her eyes widened. "When Sirius, Pete and I snuck out tonight, we ran into a group of them at the edge of the forest. We think they were planning a surprise attack on the school, but we accidentally ruined their plans."

Lily looked baffled. "But isn't Frank a pureblood? Why did they attack his family?"

"My dad says they were looking to recruit. But the Longbottoms said no."

"And you're telling me because I'm muggleborn."

"You deserve to know." He looked her in the eyes. "I want you - no, I need you to stay safe. Protect your family."


The rest of the year flew by. After much lecturing from both Remus and Lily, James gave in and actually studied for his exams. He and Sirius refrained from pulling pranks the rest of the year, but mysteriously, none of the Slytherins could find their underwear one Tuesday morning.

Finally, it was time to go home. The Gryffindors packed up their trunks and waited in the common room to get escorted down to the train station. Ever since the close call with the Death Eaters, students were forbidden to leave the castle without a proper chaperone.

Sirius was quiet most of the ride home. He sat beside Remus, staring vacantly out the window. James was worried for him. The last thing he wanted to do was leave his best friend in a place that he hated for two straight months, but he knew Sirius wanted to go home to see Regulus. He wanted to make sure his brother hadn't been completely brainwashed by his parents.

As for Remus, James knew that there was something he hadn't told them. He watched the sandy haired boy who had his nose in the book James had gotten him for Christmas about ancient and forgotten charms and enchantments. He silently promised himself that he would do anything for Remus and that he would always be there for him no matter what his big secret was.

The sun had set by the time they arrived at King's Cross station. It was a cloudy night, and very few stars could be seen in the sky. The view of the London sky could not compare to the view from the Hogwarts Astronomy tower. James knew he would miss roaming around the castle. Most of all, he would miss his new friends.

They grabbed their trunks and disembarked from the train.


James turned around to see Lily standing behind him, dressed in Muggle clothes with her hair tied up. James thought she had never looked more pretty.

"Alright Evans?"

"I, er... I wanted to tell you that, well, maybe you aren't a complete toerag after all."

James grinned. "Thank you, Evans. That means a lot."

Lily nodded awkwardly. "Well, have a good summer."

"You too," he told her with a small smile. "Oh, and Evans? Be safe."

"You too, Potter."

James turned back to his friends as Lily walked away. "And that, boys, is how it's done," he smirked, throwing his arms over Sirius and Peter's shoulders. "Come on, let's go meet my parents when we're not in trouble for once."

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