xii. Staff vs. James and Sirius

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They finished eating and made their way to Transfiguration.

"Ah, Mr. Black, Mr. Potter," McGonagall greeted them as they took their seats. "I hope you are both well rested. I stand by what I said last night. I do not tolerate sleeping in my class."

"Not to worry, Professor," Sirius said cheekily. "I've never been more awake in my life."

"Same with me," James said, grinning. "Besides, your classes are far too interesting to fall asleep in."

The corners of McGonagall's mouth twitched, and she turned to the chalkboard. With a flick of her wand, the words Gamps' Law of Elemental Transfiguration appeared in beautiful calligraphy. She turned to face her class. "Today we will be learning about Gamp's Law," she announced. "Who can tell me what this law states?"

Several people raised their hands, including Lily and Remus, but McGonagall did not call on any of them. Instead, she fixed her gaze on Sirius.

"Mr. Black, please explain Gamp's Law."

"With pleasure," Sirius smirked. "Gamp's Law is a fundamental property of magic which explains what can be conjured, and what can't. It states that one can not create something from nothing," he replied with a smug smile.

If McGonagall was impressed, she hid it very well. "Thank you, Mr. Black. Who can tell me the five exceptions to Gamp's Law?"

Again, McGonagall ignored the raised hands, this time turning to James. "Mr. Potter?"

A smirk identical to the one on Sirius' face appeared on James' face. "Food, Life, Love, Money and Body Parts."


It continued like this for the rest of the class. McGonagall seemed keen on keeping James and Sirius on their toes, forcing them to stay alert. It was rather fun in James' opinion, as he watched Lily's expression become more and more surprised with every correct answer he gave. She clearly did not peg him as the intelligent type.

After Transfiguration, they headed to Defence Against the Dark Arts, only to be called upon again and again by Professor Warren. It was quite obvious that McGonagall had communicated to the rest of the staff about James and Sirius' late night. They were outwardly determined to win, and they secretly wanted to make her proud.

They got to Potions class where Slughorn was evidently doing the same thing.

"Mr. Potter, can you tell us what the purpose of a Wiggenweld potion is?" asked Slughorn.

"It can heal many injuries and is the antidote for the Sleeping Draught and the Draught of Living Death," James answered.

"That is correct. Can you name three ingredients that are required in this potion?"

"Dittany, Wiggentree bark and salamander blood."

"Well done, Mr. Potter. Five points to Gryffindor," Slughorn said, looking impressed. He turned to address the whole class. "Today we will be making Wiggenweld potions. This is something of a competition," he announced, winking. "The winning pair will be exempt from tonight's homework. You may begin."

Naturally, James partnered with Sirius while Remus took on the challenge of partnering with Peter, who was dreadful at potions. To James' dismay, Lily had partnered with Snape despite their row that morning.

Sirius rushed to the ingredients cupboard while James set up their cauldron.

"We've got to beat Snivellus," Sirius said as he returned with heaps of ingredients in his arms.


They started on their potion, carefully following the instructions, eager to beat Snape.

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