x. Bros

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The three arrived at the front doors.

"What time is it?" asked James.

Peter glanced at his watch. "Almost midnight," he replied. "Remus should be here soon."

Right on cue, the front doors opened to reveal Remus, escorted by Madam Pomfrey. James, Sirius and Peter clapped their hands over their mouths and backed into the wall. Something was terribly wrong.

Remus looked positively worn out. He was limping, leaning on Madam Pomfrey for support, and he was bleeding heavily from his left arm. Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall appeared at the end of the hall and quickly made their way over.

"Do you need any help, Poppy?" McGonagall asked Madam Pomfrey.

"Thank you, Minerva, if you could help me get him to the Infirmary, that would be wonderful," she replied, transferring Remus to her. She turned to Dumbledore. "It appears to have been a bad night, Professor," she said. "But I should be able to have him back in his bed before sunrise." She rejoined McGonagall, the two helping Remus down the hall and disappearing around the corner.

Dumbledore made to follow, but he stopped in his tracks. He turned slowly, looking straight at James, Sirius and Peter who held their breath, not daring to move a muscle. Finally, he walked off.

The boys stood in stunned silence for one agonizing minute. Peter was the first to speak. "What in the world was that?" he squeaked in bewilderment.

No one had an answer.

They made their way back, thankfully not encountering anyone else. The common room was quiet and empty, and they sat by the fire together, going over what had happened.

"What d'you reckon happened to Remus?" James asked.

Sirius shrugged, wide-eyed. "Maybe they got ambushed on their way back?"

"That wouldn't make sense, Madam Pomfrey was escorting him and she looked just fine," James said.

Sirius pressed his lips together. "We have to go to the Infirmary to see if he's alright."

Peter shook his head. "It's too risky. Dumbledore probably knew we were there and I don't want to risk getting caught."

Sirius rounded on him. "I know that! But he's our friend!" He turned to James for back up, but he only shook his head.

"I agree with Peter. The best person to help him right now is Madam Pomfrey." He put his hand on Sirius' shoulder. "We'll stay here and go see him first thing tomorrow morning. I promise."

Sirius sighed in defeat, flopping down on the couch, and James and Peter joined him. They stayed up late into the night, talking about James' family to pass the time. He told them all about how his mum worked in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes and how his dad was a renowned Auror who had invented Sleekeazy's Hair Potion.

"I find it hilarious that the son of a hair-taming potion inventor constantly looks like he got swept into a tornado," Sirius remarked with a laugh, gesturing at James' messy locks.

"Oh shove off," James laughed. "Besides, girls think it's charming."

Sirius snorted. "Girls like Evans?"

"You got me there," James smiled sheepishly and ran a hand through his hair. He glanced over at Peter who had fallen asleep on a chair and was snoring softly. He turned back to Sirius. "What are your parents like? You don't have to say if you don't want to, I know it's a touchy subject—"

Siris put up a hand to silence him. "It's alright," he said. His smile faded from his face. "My family is part of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black. They pride themselves in complete blood purity and they look down upon anyone who is otherwise." Sirius pursed his lips. "They love the Dark Arts. Worship them, even. Not really publicly, mind you. Even though they're dense, they understand that it's not such a popular viewpoint.

"But really... they're horrible people. They toss around the word 'Mudblood' without a care in the world. Anyway... I'm an outcast. I don't believe all that pureblood rubbish. I'm also the only member of my immediate family to not be put in Slytherin."

James snorted. "Well of course you weren't, you're better than that,"

Sirius smiled grimly. "I guess you could say that was the happiest day of my life. I was terrified I was going to get sorted into Slytherin and end up just like them."

"We'd have you sorted out eventually," James said with a grin.

Sirius grinned back. "Or I could wreak havoc from within. Think of all the chances to hex Snivelly!"

"You have a younger brother, right?" James asked.

Sirius looked at him quizzically. "How did you know that?"

James froze, remembering how he had listened to the conversation between Sirius and Remus that night. Sirius had climbed into Remus' bed to comfort him, explaining that he did the same for his brother back at home. "Educated guess," he smirked, tapping his temple.

Sirius looked at him suspiciously, but let it go. "Er, yeah. My little brother Regulus. He's a year younger than me. I've been trying to teach him that the ways of our parents are wrong, but I'm afraid they're going to corrupt him while I'm gone." he sighed.

"You know," James said. "I never had any siblings. Not until I came here, anyway," He looked Sirius in the eye. "I've always wanted a brother. Now I feel like I have one."

"It goes both ways, James."

The two grinned at each other in the flickering firelight. They almost didn't notice the portrait hole opening. They leapt to their feet, Peter still snoring away on the chair.

"Now you just head on up to bed. Get some rest. Don't worry about attending your classes tomorrow, we'll just tell everyone you're not feeling well," came McGonagall's voice.

"Thank you Prof—" Remus froze in his tracks, a look of horror upon his face.

McGonagall followed his horrified gaze, her eyes landing upon the boys in front of her. "My goodness, what are you three doing awake?"

"We were helping Peter with his studies," James spoke up. "Just managing our priorities, like you said, Professor." McGonagall's eyes travelled to Peter who was clearly fast asleep on a chair. "He, er... fell asleep," he said sheepishly.

"Very well," said McGonagall. "If you two are still awake, would you help Mr. Lupin here to his bed? He's had a long night."

James and Sirius rushed over to help Remus, taking in how banged up he looked. He walked with a limp, and he seemed absolutely exhausted.

"What happened, mate?" asked Sirius, worry evident in his tone.

"I had a big fall is all," Remus smiled weakly. "Wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"Is your mum alright?" asked James.

"Oh yes, she's good. Still ill though."

They made their way up the stairs. "Oh, and boys?" McGonagall called. They turned around to face her. "Sleeping in my class will not be tolerated." She spoke in her stern voice, but the corners of her mouth twitched.

"Yes, Professor," Sirius and James said together.

Magical Mischief: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now