viii. Don't Mess With McGonagall or Gryffindor Girls with Red Hair

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McGonagall did not look pleased. She waved her wand, and the bat wings vanished from Snape's nostrils. "Ten points from Gryffindor. Each." She spoke calmly, but her expression was livid as she gazed at James, Sirius and Peter in turn.

A look of simultaneous relief and superiority appeared on Snape's face, thinking he wouldn't be punished, but McGonagall put her withering gaze upon him and he faltered. "Ten points will also be taken from Slytherin for each of you," she said to Snape, Mulciber and Avery.

Professor Warren strode up behind her, raising an eyebrow at James.

"Elias, please see to Mr. Mulciber, Avery and Pettigrew," she said to him. "I will deal with these three."

Warren nodded, casting a sharp glance at James before doing what McGonagall asked.

McGonagall turned to James, Sirius and Snape. "Follow me, please." She led them to her office, sitting down behind her desk and gesturing at some chairs. "Sit."

She stared sternly at them for a long time, her lips pressed in a thin line and her fingers laced underneath her chin, as they quietly withered under her gaze. She finally spoke, breaking the silence. "Mr. Snape. Professor Slughorn will be notified of your participation in this skirmish. Your punishment rests in his hands. You may go."

Snape rushed off, looking particularly elated at this turn of events. McGonagall returned her stare to James and Sirius. "Explain."

They took turns talking, recounting everything about their feud starting from the encounter on the train, James' attempted apology and the curse, until this very moment. McGonagall made no move to interrupt them, and her stern gaze never faltered.

When they had finished she sighed. "I understand your frustration,'" she said quietly. "However, none of what you have told me justifies the use of magic in the corridors, especially upon a fellow student."

"But Snape—" Sirius began.

"Two wrongs do not make a right," McGonagall stated in a firm tone. "You two should give great consideration to your priorities. I know for a fact that you have a Transfiguration essay to hand in to me tomorrow, and your friend is due to return tonight."

Sirius sat up straight. "Remus is coming back tonight?"

"Is his ill family member okay?" James asked.

"That is for him to tell you when he gets back. But for now, I implore you to choose wisely where you place your priorities — in a friend who needs support, or a bully that needs discipline... from a teacher," she said firmly.

"We understand," James said.

"Good. You will be joining me for detentions every night this week right after dinner. You may go."

James and Sirius returned to the Gryffindor common room to rambunctious applause. The room was packed, and Peter stood front and centre.

"Nicely done!" he exclaimed.

James grinned at Sirius who was smiling equally as large. They took a deep bow, absorbing the attention.

"Thank you, thank you," said Sirius. "Really, what a splendid show of admiration!"

James chuckled as they got ambushed, Sirius reenacting what had happened and earning whoops and cheers from the crowd.

Two fifth year twins that James recognized as Gideon and Fabian Prewett clapped them on the back.

"Genius!" said one.

"Positively chaotic!" said the other.

It was fairly obvious that Snape and his posse weren't popular with the Gryffindors.

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