iv. James Duels a Teacher but Not Actually

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After Transfiguration, they made their way to Defence Against the Dark Arts, a class they unfortunately shared with the Slytherins. James glanced around the dimly lit classroom and saw — to his dismay — Lily sharing a desk with Snape, the two laughing together at something Snivellus had just said.

Sirius followed his gaze and made a face. "Why's she friends with him anyways? He's in Slytherin. There's not a witch or wizard in the world who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin."

"I wonder what I did to make her hate me so much," James said, gesturing to Lily.

"Well, you did jinx her friend, remember?" Remus replied calmly.

"Git deserved it though," Sirius huffed.

They took their seats as Professor Warren entered. He strode briskly to the front of the class, his cloak billowing behind him.

"My name is Professor Elias Warren. Upon graduating from Hogwarts I worked as security at Gringotts for three years, before getting a job at the Ministry in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, where I remained for nine years. I have since spent that last four years working as an Auror."

His last statement brought several "oohs" from the class. Professor Warren seemed pleased with that reaction.

"We will not begin studies today," he said. "However, I am opening up the floor to a class discussion."

James leaned forward in interest.

"Throughout my days, I have seen all matters of dark magic, objects and other forms of dark arts, and I can tell you that nothing I teach in this class will be helpful if you do not possess the ability to think fast under pressure."

James saw Peter shift uncomfortably out of the corner of his eye.

"This," Warren tapped his temple. "Is your greatest defence tool. Think quickly, stay alert, and stay alive."

There was a snort from one of the Slytherins, and Warren whipped his head around to gaze at him. "Think I'm being melodramatic?" he asked dangerously.

"We're kids," said a pompous-looking blond haired boy. "I don't think a dark wizard is going to come and attack us."

"I've met my fair share of dark wizards, and let me tell you one thing; they do not discriminate. They will not hesitate to eliminate anyone who gets in their way — men, women, children — everyone is at risk." he paused to let his words sink in before continuing. "This is the nature of today's lesson. I need a volunteer."

James and Sirius looked at each other and shot their hands in the air. "You, Potter," said Professor Warren. James looked around, confusion evident in his expression at how his new teacher knew his name. "I've worked with your father in the Ministry," he said, answering the unspoken question. "Do you aspire to follow in his footsteps? He is quite the Auror."

"I'm eleven years old, sir," James responded. "I haven't even decided what I want for dinner." he said, earning chuckles from the class.

"A quick wit," Warren observed. "This will serve you well. Now, I am going to tell you — not actually cast, be warned — but tell you that I am casting a curse on you. I want you to tell me what you would use to counter me. I assume you have familiarized yourself with basic spells?"

"Yes," James nodded.

"And I assume your father has taught you a few more practical defence spells?"

There were murmurs in the class, but James nodded.

"Very well. Incendio?"


"Correct. Reducto?"


Warren gazed at him, a flash of menace in his eyes. "Avada—"

"EXPELLIARMUS!" James cried, and Warren was knocked slightly backwards, his wand flying out of his pocket, which he snatched out of the air before it got too far. Audible gasps flew around the classroom. "Sir, I — I am so sorry, I didn't mean to—"

Warren put up a hand, calmly silencing him. "This, everyone, is exactly the response required. Who can tell me which curse I was about to cast?" Another Gryffindor put up his hand. "Yes, you. Longbottom, I presume?"

The boy named Frank Longbottom nodded. "The Killing Curse," he said quietly.

"Which is?"

"Avada Kedavra," Frank said, his voice almost a whisper.

Warren nodded. "Ten points to Gryffindor," he said. "You may sit down, Potter."

James took his seat, his heart pounding in his chest. He had just cast a spell on his teacher, and rather than be reprimanded, he had earned his second set of points of the day.

"A dark wizard will not hesitate. Curses such as the Killing Curse are nearly unstoppable, which is why you must react fast, and you must do it confidently. To do anything less is equivalent to signing your own death certificate. In the real world, there are no second chances." Warren said. "Your homework this evening will be to research defensive spells. We will be having a quiz in three days on the proper countercurses to any curse. Dismissed."

"Nice one, James!" Sirius exclaimed, popping a piece of gum in his mouth as they filed out of the classroom.

"D'you reckon he's a bit mad?" asked Peter, a worried look on his face. "That was some pretty advanced stuff."

James vaguely heard Remus respond, but he was distracted by something else. He left his friends and walked towards the dark and bony form of Severus Snape who was standing in front of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, rummaging through his bag.

"Hello Sniv — er, Severus," he said carefully.

Snape narrowed his eyes. "What do you want, Potter?"

"Look, I just wanted to apologize for what happened on the train," he said.

"Apologize?" he sneered. "What, you think you've proven yourself in front of everyone? If you think that I'm going to gladly line up to be your friend like that fat little troll over there, you are sadly mistaken." he gestured to Peter.

"Hey, I'm trying to be civil here," James said, beginning to lose his temper.

"You're nothing but an exceedingly arrogant swine. If there wasn't a teacher here, I'd hex you into next week,"

James glanced at the doorway, where Professor Warren stood, watching their exchange.

"What?" Snape taunted. "No backbone when there's a teacher around?"

"Fine," James' wand was in his hand in an instant. "I take back my apology. Waddiwasi."

There was a loud grunt from Sirius as the gum he was chewing much too loudly flew out of his mouth and right up Snape's left nostril.

"Agh! You—" Snape stumbled backwards, desperately trying to blow the gum out of his nose with no such luck. "You idiot!"

"That will be quite enough," said Warren, finally interfering. "Mr. Snape, you would do well to remember that words can be provoking." he waved his wand and the gum came out of Snape's nose. "As for you Mr. Potter, consider this a warning. You know very well that magic in the halls is prohibited, especially when used upon other students. Next time I catch you doing this, it'll be a detention. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir," said James.

"On with your days, then." Warren said, and he waved them off.

this was a bit of a longer chapter... what do you think so far?

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