The Greetings

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Word Count: 3240  Art by CosmicRuu! Go check them out! They have some cool art! Enjoy!



-Y/N's PoV-

I woke up with a start. I winced as my head hurt from moving too fast. I looked around. I was in my house with my F/C sheets wrapped around my body. The last thing I remember was fainting as monsters were closing in. Was it just a dream? I look down at my left shoulder and see a bandage wrapped tightly around it. I looked away and bit my lower lip from now feeling the pain. I guess it wasn't a dream. Luckily, it wasn't as painful as last night.

I see a new shirt and a pair of leggings on the bedside table. I slid my legs off the bed so my feet landed on the cold wood floor. I slid on the black leggings and a light grey shirt slowly and painfully. I collected myself before trying to stand up but failed and fell back onto the bed. I scold myself.

The Liberian comes in looking surprised to see me awake, "Oh Y/N! You're awake!" 

"How did I get here?" I ask him. There was no way the villagers had rescued me. I had been too far out. Turro couldn't have saved me either. At least I don't think he could.

The Liberian smiled, "They are outside waiting for you but there is something I want to ask you first." He walked over to me and handed me a loaf of warm bread. I thanked him and munched the bread hungrily. 

"Why did you leave Y/N?" He asked, his tone turning cold. I lowered the bread as it no longer tasted wonderful.

"I- I thought I could handle it. I thought that the others needed help because they hadn't come." I lowered my head to hide my eyes.

The Liberian sighed. "I'm not mad, Y/N if that's what you're thinking. I was just worried." I lifted my head to look at him.

A soft smile spread across his face, "Now hurry and eat so you can meet the others." He headed outside. I stuffed the bread in my mouth. My leg and shoulder instantly felt better. I tried to stand up again. My leg tingled a little but it held up. I made my way towards to door and stepped out into the fresh air. The bustling of villagers and the campfire popping filled the air with plentiful sounds.

"Hello miss." Spoke a higher-pitched voice behind me. I turned around to meet two new faces, definitely not villagers. One had a long black jacket with red trim. His hood was up and shading his face making it hard to see it.

The other had midnight black hair and dark blue eyes. He wore a white shirt with a little flame in the center. He also had a white bandana tied around his head. 

"Oh hi!" I tried to contain my excitement. These had to be the others that were like me.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves. I'm Bad and this is Sapnap." Bad gestured to the boy on his left. Sapnap gave me a reassuring smile. I returned it.

"Nice to meet you guys! I'm Y/N." I ran my fingers through my H/C hair knowing it was messy since I had just woken up. 

"I wanted to thank you for saving me last night. I was being very foolish and it almost got me killed." I lowered my head.

"Of course! We couldn't just stand by and watch you get killed." Sapnap jumped in.

"The other two should be here any minute now so you can meet them." Bad offered. I nodded in response. 

"How are your injuries doing?" Bad asked in the sweetest tone imaginable. He was like a cute puppy.

"Fine, a little sore but manageable." I rubbed my shoulder trying to soothe a bit of the pain from remembering it when Bad brought it up. He looked at me with a little sympathy in his eyes as they had caught the sun and I could see that they were a hazel brown. 

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