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Greetings! Welcome back! I apologize for the late chapter, I had hybrid school start this week so that was kind of stressful. There will only be one chapter this week but next week I will try to get out two. Thank you for your patience! This beautiful art is by The Channel Without a Name!

Word count: 4421



-Y/N'S PoV-

Dream smiled at me, "Thanks Y/-" He stopped. A sound like a horn broke the peacefulness. Almost immediately later the village's warning bell echoed around trees. Dream and I scrambled to our feet.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"I have no idea." He responded, "Come on." He waved to me to follow him through the trees. He slipped on his white mask over his eyes and nose before pulling out his sword. I pulled out mine as we came into the village clearing. The village was in shambles. Villagers were running into the houses and locking the doors behind them.

I watched in horror, still unsure why everyone was panicking. Dream-- on the other hand didn't hesitate. He leaped at a villager before stabbing it in the chest. I had to take a double look, noticing it wasn't a villager. It had pale grey skin and dropped a crossbow as it fell to the ground. 

"It's a Raid. We are under attack by Pillagers." Dream said, equipping his shield. He pulled out his sword from the Pillager's body as black blood dripped off the tip.

I gathered my thoughts before they could distract me. Dream blocked a rogue arrow and then stabbed its source, another Pillager. I equipped my shield and tried to locate my target. While Dream was attacking another enemy-- this one having an iron axe instead. Another Pillager was aiming its crossbow at his unguarded back. I moved quickly, blocking the arrow with my shield, and sliced at the Pillager's head making it fall to the ground. Together, Dream and I cleared the area of enemies. 

"Let's find the others." Dream said to me. I nodded and ran with him. We killed any stray Pillagers and Vindicators. We ran around a corner and were met with a cluster of Pillagers, Vindicators, and a new mob. This one was like a large buffalo. It was hairy and two horns jutted out from the side of its head, one horn had a broken tip.

It had armor on its back along with an empty saddle. The Liberian mentioned a mob like this one. It was called a Revenger, no Ravager. Its jaw opened and roared a nasty sound like a lion drowning in slime. It charged at us and we jumped to either side to avoid being impaled on its horns. I recovered and looked for the monster but instead, I had to block an attack from a Vindicator.

I cut its head off and quickly killed another Pillager before it could reload its crossbow. I took a glance around for the Ravager and Dream.  I saw him dodging another attack from the mob and then stabbing his sword deep into Ravager's side. He could handle the beast while I kept the other mobs off him.

I swung at a Vindicator that was charging at me. He blocked the swing with his axe and swung at my shield. The axe lodged itself in the shield and he started to kick at my legs. He managed to kick my wound from the night before. I yelled in pain and quickly stabbed him in the side.

I spun around and killed another Pillager. Fatigue was starting to sink in now that my adrenaline was fading. I panted and saw that that was the last of the on-foot mobs in the area. I hear a roar of pain and see the final blow to the Ravager from Dream. Its large body crashed to the ground and Dream had black blood splattered across his mask. 

He came up to me also a bit out of breath, "I saw George this way." I followed him down the gravel pathway. George and the others came into view. Multiple corpses littered the ground with one being a Ravager. The three were finishing off two Pillagers before noticing us.

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