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Aloha! Welcome the chapter 5! Have you guys heard Dream's song? It's soooo good! If you haven't, here it is. Credit to Dream and Pmbata for an incredible song! Also, I will only be doing 1 chapter a week now, it is too hard to balance this and school. Thank you for your cooperation!

Word count: 4971



-The Translator's Pov-

"Access granted for test KT0. System processing..."

"Error 56B detected. Unable to access subjects 3 and 5. Unable to reboot system... System processing..."

" Subjects 1, 2, 4 operational. Damage to code detected. Reprogramming unavailable. Subject 3 must be exterminated due to damage. Continuing to monitor."

-Y/N's PoV-

My eyes slowly blinked open. I poked my head out from underneath the F/C sheets into the colder air of my stone-walled room. I assumed it was morning but no one was up yet so I tucked my head back into the warmth of the blankets. The atmosphere was silent besides the crackling of the torch on the wall.

I tried to fall back asleep but to no avail. Once I was up I was up. I slid out of the blanket cocoon and stood on the cold wooden floor. I stretched and yawned trying to get the rest of my body up. I changed into a navy blue shirt and black leggings. I put on my F/C hoodie and stepped outside of my room. The sun was up but just barely, the sky was still a deep blue.

I grabbed the maroon-covered book and climbed down the ladder. I needed some fresh air and I wanted to piece together a plan for our escape. I sat at the base of a tree and shivered from the frosty air that night left.

I flipped through the book and thought about what Bad had said. Something had to have given him this dream or vision like something was guiding us. Yesterday, Bad had explained his dream to the best of his ability and it opened up so many new doors and now that I read through the book again, it started to make sense.

The book described dangers in the Nether. One is a tall black skeleton called a Wither Skeleton. Another is a Blaze with burning rods of fire that orbit its body. I read through the monster's descriptions gaining little information from what I already knew. I looked through other mobs in the Nether, Striders, Zombified Piglins, Piglins, Magma Cubes, and Ghasts.

All sounded deadly and like they needed to be avoided at all costs. I turned to the End page and read through the short lines. The dragon had to be the beast the book talked about. I flipped back to the Nether side of the book so I could learn how to build a Nether portal.

I read through the page and at the end, there was a warning, "Warning! Not many have returned from the Nether. Enter at your own risk!" I shoved the thought out of my mind of losing my life and focused on getting home, wherever that was.

I sighed and gently closed the book and set the book on the fluffy green grass. I turned my head to the sky. Orange and pink clouds lit the sky like lightbulbs. Birds started to sing in the growing morning. I watched a few zombies and skeletons dash for the shade of the trees while catching fire. I stood up and paced over to the two cows grazing on the grass in their pen. One mooed when it saw me approach.

They both came to the fence and I patted their sticky snouts with giggles and gave them two wheat from my inventory. They took it gently and went back to nibbling on the grass. I walked back up to the ladder hoping someone was awake by now and I was correct. Bad and Dream were rummaging around in chests and crafting new equipment for use of the day. 

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