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I apologize for the long wait.

Word count: 4117

- Ace/Leviathan


-Y/N's PoV-

We wandered the maroon halls of the Nether Fortress, it felt like forever since we had seen the overworld and I deeply missed it. F/N sat comfortably on my shoulder, they had gotten the hang of jumping up onto shoulders. I had been talking with George about some of the loot we got when we came into the Fortress, "Yeah, I had surprisingly found a lot of gold ingots." He told me.

"Could those help us?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "I don't know, hopefully." I nodded as he showed me the shiny ingots. I shrunk back to walk with Dream after Bad started to talk with George.

"Hey." I greeted him.

"Hello." He responded, he sounded a lot better now and he didn't seem so upset. His voice was still a bit scratchy but it was still pleasant to me. "Know what potions you want to make?" He asked me. His green eyes looked down at me as we walked. In my opinion, he looked better without the mask. It was nice seeing him smile naturally and his green eyes were so beautiful.

"No, I doubt fire resistance will help since we don't plan on coming back here. I think invisibility and strength would be the best though." I stated. He nodded understandingly. We walked in silence, the creepy sounds of the Nether filling my ears, making me cautious.

The exit of the fortress soon came into view, showing the crimson forest. Before hopping off the broken pathway I looked around for the hoglins that attacked us before. George and Sapnap didn't, I watched for them though as they hopped off the Nether Fortress carelessly. We finally all got off of the pathway and back down onto the crunchy red grass.

"So how many Ender pearls do you think we need to get out of here?" I asked everyone.

"In my dream, the end portal had twelve Eyes of Ender in it. How many do you need to make an Eye of Ender?" Bad asked.

"One per Eye of Ender." Dream answered Bad. I was quite curious about how he knew that. I'll ask later.

"So we need 12 at most. Could the portal already have some in it?" I continued to question.

"Who knows." Sapnap put his hands in his pockets.

We listened to the grass crunch under our shoes like fresh snow. Sapnap was walking in the front, George and Bad behind him and me and Dream in the back. Sapnap stepped around a red tree before the rest of us. "Ahhh! Guys! Help!" We heard him yell.

We ran around the tree and saw Sapnap making eye contact with four pigs on two feet. They held golden swords or crossbows and growled at us in anger. They wore tattered rags on their bodies and their eyes had no pupils or irises. Their eyes were just white.

They were piglins. I remember the book saying that they were docile if you were wearing gold armor. None of us were wearing said armor. The piglins charged us, squealing and raising their swords and pointing their crossbows.We all equipped our shields and ran. The piglins tried to attack George, he panicked and threw the only thing in his hand, a golden ingot.

The golden bar hit the piglin closest to him square in the forehead. The ingot bounced off the head of the piglin in the lead and landed in the grass with a thud. The piglins stopped and looked at the ingot that rested heavily in the grass. The piglin closest to the bar picked it up in it's hooved-hands and studied the bar for a while, doing little tests on it to make sure it was real.

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