Holiday Special -- What do I Get Him?

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This is a holiday special! It has nothing g to do with the story and is a completely new AU. No smut. Just fluff. Happy Holidays! 💚



What to get? The mall offered so many options but none seemed right. What would he like? Was he having this hard of time shopping for her or did he know what he wanted to get her? She was starting to panic. Maybe she didn't know him enough. No, that is nonsense. She had been dating him for over a year and she knew him very well. She even lived with him and his best friend. She had just gotten off of work as an editor and wanted to get her gifts before she went home.

She didn't need to work since her boyfriend made so much money but she loved her job as an editor. She loved reading others' work and then publishing it for the world to see.

Christmas was tomorrow and the mall was decorated with wreaths and lights. Christmas music and bells played around the large space of the mall although the bustling of people made it impossible to hear it. Mothers were ordering their grumpy kids around and rushing in and out of stores for the perfect gift.

Babies screaming and crying at the Meet Santa display near the food court. A train carved its way through the crowd, hauling excited kids and their bored parents. The child ride blew its whistle to get the crowd to part a way for it.

Y/N was just weaseling her way through the crowd, racking her brain for a gift to get her boyfriend. If only these people knew who her boyfriend was. They would be parting a path for her in his horror. No. She shouldn't think like that. Clay was much more to her than a famous Minecraft Streamer.

She scanned the storefronts, looking for something he would like. Maybe a new computer? No, he loved his current one that one of his friends built for him. A new desk? No. How could she get that home in her car? A hoodie? He had plenty from his merch store. Maybe she was trying too hard. She felt like an idiot for not knowing what to get her boyfriend for the holidays. Did everyone have this problem or was it just her?

She wanted her gift to be special and like she cared a lot but gift-giving was never her specialty. That is when she got an idea. She found a quiet spot in the mall with a fireplace in the center of a seating area. A few older couples sat around the seats drinking coffee.

She sat on the edge of the fireplace with the heat of the flames warming her back. She pulled out her phone and dialed the number. It rang a few times before someone picked up. "Nick?" She asked.

"Y/N? Why are you calling Nick?" Asked a familiar voice that was definitely not Nick. It was Clay. She forgot that they sometimes answer each other's phones. She grimaced at the thought of almost spilling the beans to Clay.

"Oh, I just wanted to see what he wanted for Christmas. Is he home right now?" Y/N asked, trying to hide her nervousness.

"Yeah. Let me get him." There was a pause and then a shout that was away from the phone, "Sapnap! Y/N wants to talk to you! Answer your damn phone next time!" Y/N giggled. She always thought it was funny when they used their usernames around the house instead of their real names.

"God Dream. No need to shout." Nick laughed. Nick took the phone, "Hey Y/N. What's up?"

"Is Clay still in the room?" Y/N asked.

"No, he went to his room. Why?" Nick said.

"Well I'm Christmas shopping-"

"And you don't know what to get Clay?" Nick finished.

Y/N nodded, "Yeah."

"I don't blame you. He is very hard to shop for." Nick agreed.

"I want my gift to feel special but I can't think of anything. That is why I called you." She admitted.

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