Chapter 39: True Happiness

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Katherine Wright

It's Thursday already and my Birthday is on Sunday. We were having holidays at school after our final exams. I was reading a book on the window seat. There was a firm knock on my door. I said come in in a sing song manner. It was Alex with hot chocolate.

"Before you say it, yes we are having one of
those conversations when I cover it up by bringing hot chocolate."

"I didn't say anything." I said with an amused expression.

"You would have." Yeah he's right.

"So I came here to ask what you-"

"want for my birthday? You ask this to everyone. And I also know you won't take no for an answer. So I know what I want. But you promise you'll give it right?"

"I give you my word. I'll give you anything you want." Alex said with sincerity.

"I have been thinking about it for a while. Alex I I really want ....people."

"Help people? Like charity. You know I make a donation on everyone's birthday every year." Alex donated generously.

"Yeah I know. I wanted to distribute care packages to the homeless and um...maybe distribute notebooks and stationary to underprivileged children. That's if it's not too much to ask. I mean I you can say no... I won't mind." Alex was looking at me with so much surprise.

"Wow Kat. I'm I'm so proud of you. It's so kind of you to think like that. I'm out of words. Where did you get such an idea from?"

"Well we had a report to do at school about the rough sleepers. They are in really bad shape. The care bags can at least provide them some relief. And soon it would be winter. They can really use some blankets and socks. And for the stationary. I saw some pretty rough time myself you know. There were times I didn't had any pencil to write my exams. Nobody would lend me any either. So one day the same thing happened in my maths test in 4th grade. I didn't had a pencil. I kept on asking for help but not even the supervisor would help me. So I left the whole exam blank. As I was good at studies so my teacher called me and asked me why did I left the whole sheet empty. He was shocked. So I told him that I don't have any supplies and that I had no money either. He had tears in his eyes. He quickly gave me a pencil and told me to quickly write my exam. I was confused. It was against the rules. But he told me that he didn't want me to be held back. He said I was to smart for that. I couldn't thank him less. The next day he called me again in his office. I was scared. I thought we were caught. But then he gave me this plastic bag filled with notebooks, pencils and possibly all those stationary items that a 4th grader could use. I couldn't thank him less. He asked me not to thank him but instead he asked something from me. I still remember his words very clearly

"Dont thank me Katherine. But promise me something. When you have the chance to help someone the way I did today then do it. It will not only make me happy but it will also make you and the ones you helped happy."

God I'm sorry I dont want a cry."

Alex took me in a hug. He was sad too.

"We will do this together. In fact all of us can go on Saturday together to do this. I'm so proud of you. You amuse me child. Your thinking is so beautiful."

"If you dont mind I want to design them myself to add a personal touch."

"Ofcourse. You know what I'll give Candice a call. You coordinate with her. She'll handle the rest."

"And I dont want a lot of people to know this. Just us."

"Yeah I'll make sure. Now off to bed little one. You have a long day tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too."

I have been on phone with Candice since morning discussing every small detail. By 11AM we decided the contents of both the care packages.

So for the kids at school we decided on 2 boxes of pencils. The one which you can plant so they grow into plants. And a box of colors and markers with 4 notebooks and a colouring book, some hand sanitizer, a water bottle, some candies and an inspirational hand written note.

And for the homeless people we decided on some protien and vitamin rich food which dont need to be heated. An inbuilt filter water bottle, a pair of socks and a blanket. Some small treats and sanitary products and personal hygiene stuff. And an emergency first aid kit if they get hurt or fall sick. We also gave some coupons for breakfast and dinner at a nearby diner.

I was stressed about it but Candice assured me that it will be done. I couldn't thank her less. There was no way I could have done this alone.

My brothers that is except Alex and Hayden wanted to go together for a "brothers day out" where I wasn't aloud. But they dont know that I know that those dum dums went to buy me presents. Cause they were nervous as hell. Just don't go overboard.

Friday went by very fast. It was Saturday morning soon. Our first stop was a government school for the underprivileged where free education was provided to those who couldn't afford it. The school knew about our visit. As requested by me they were to keep this a secret. We soon reached. I saw Candice there already along with the blue care boxes. The school teaches came to recieve us. And we started visiting the classes. There weren't many children.

But when I talked to them and gave them the presents the look on their faces was priceless. They were so cute. They looked so happy and fulfilled. They were grateful for their presents. We all sat together and coloured. Then we decided to play soccer on the small school ground. Everyone loved us. The kids had so much fun and so did my brothers. They were smiling. Leon picked 3 kids together and was spinning them around. Alex was talking with the teachers about what he could do to give more help. Hayden was having a debate with kids on which candy tasted better. Nate was flirting with a cute teacher. Silas and Seb were teaching soccer moves to the kids and I was painting with a few girls.

Few of the kids gave us flowers. Seb clicked so many pictures of me with them. As we settled in our cars my brothers started thanking me.

"Kat you have no idea how many people you made happy here. It's been such a long time since I had so much fun with kids I just met today. You are the best sister and an amazing human being." Hayden said kissing my cheeks.

"No guys. Thank you all for making this a success and supporting me. I'm so lucky to have you guys."

"No it's the other way around." Nate said. Alex also managed to pull through the contact number of the teacher that helped me that day. I talked to him and told him about today. He sounded so happy and blessed me with lots of happiness.

We soon also distribute the care bags among the poor. They looked so happy. Their eyes sparkled with joy. They all said thank you so much times. Some even cried with joy. And then I cried too. Happy tears.

I felt such a calmness throughout my body. It felt so good to bring a smile on others face.

In order to be truly happy we need to make others happy. It made so much sense now.

We all decided to watch a movie which was just an excuse to wait till 12AM to ring into my Birthday. I was kind of excited for tomorrow. Because on my request everyone will be home tomorrow to spend my day with me.

I snuggled into my brothers waiting for what tomorrow will bring.

Hello readers! Double update for my lovelies. And hopefully I'll post the third one also. Yup I'm pulling an all nighter tonight. I really hope you like this. I cried my eyes out writing this.
Lots of love
Writer ❤

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