Chapter 27: Grounded

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Alexander Wright

I was sitting in my office at the headquarters of my company. Surprisingly I didn't had any meetings today which gave me a minute to catch my breath. I was thinking about my family. My eyes went to the 2 photoframes in my drawer. I dont keep them on my desk. I dont want people to know my affection for them. In the mafia, showing emotions was considered weak which could cause people to revolt. Something I dont want. While one frame had the picture of my brothers the other had a picture of my beautiful sister. She was angel. Innocent and loving. Whenever I think about her I feel guilty. I cant tell her things she deserves to know but it's for her own good. She is not in a state to deal with all this.

I was pulled away from my thoughts by the phone ringing. I pushed the drawer close and picked up.

"Wright" I said.

"Its been a while Wright." A voice spoke up. And I knew all to well to whom it belonged.

"Ivanov." I said through gritted teeth.

"You seem to miss me as you recognized my voice in seconds. Well I did sent you a messenger."

"So it was you."

"Who else would send you a gift other than me? Besides I didn't had the chance to meet the youngest Wright."

"It was fine until you pulled your little party tricks on me. But going after my family. Bad Move."

"Seems I hit quite the nerve."

"Listen here. And listen good. If you ever again try to eye my family. I'll personally bring you to London from your little hiding hole and gauge your eyes off and feed them to you while your whole family watches. And believe me I wont hesitate."

"I'm sure you wont. But that brings us back to your little sister. What was her name again...Katherine?"

"You." I said fisting my hands.

"From judging your reaction it seems you'll just love my gift. Until then Wright."

And the line went silent. What the fuck was he talking about? What gift? Bloody hell. I called Hayden, Leo and Nate to my office. Lucky Nate was here today.

"Ivanov called." I said in a straight tone.

"What does the fucker want?" Leo said while grunting.

"He said something about a gift. But the attack on Friday was made by him."

"Bloody hell. What are you gonna do about it?" Hayden said in anger.

"I'm gonna kill the bastard." Leo said pulling his revolver out.

"Leo calm the fuck down. We all are angry but we dont know what he's capable of right now. So just have patience. I promise you'll have your turn." I said coldly.

My office line rang and my secretary told there was a package for me. I asked her if she ran all the necessary checks on it as there was a good chance it was from Ivanov. She said it was all clear. She brought it in.

"Its from Ivanov?" Nate asked.

"It can be." I answered calmly.

I slowly and carefully opened the package. And what I saw was the sight I couldn't forget ever.

It was a jacket...a school jacket...Katherine's school jacket...covered in blood. My breath hitched I could process anything. I checked the inner sleeve with shaky hands. 'K.W.'  It said. It was Kat's jacket for sure. No. Nothing can happen to her. FUCK. I called her. Her phone was switched off. Her tracker showed she was in school. I called the Silas.
He didn't picked up on the first call. I tried the service time. He finally received.

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