Chapter 10: Aftermath

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Katherine Wright

I woke up with a pounding headache. I felt hand on my forehead. It was Alex. Last night's event came crashing down.

The nightmare...Nate...Alex helping me...hugging me...putting me to sleep...the pain...the drowning...Dr. Anna..

Oh my God what did I do. They are gonna hate me now. They must be thinking I'm a freak or something. And Nate he was the only one nice to me. And I pushed him away too. No. My heart monitor went berserk which woke up Alex who was sleeping in an awkward position. He woke up worried and looked at me. I saw him with guilty eyes.

"Are you okay Kat? Do you need something?" I shook my head in a no. And then bursted into tears. And I started  rubbing my eyes vigorously.

"Dont rub your eyes. You are gonna hurt yourself. Stop crying. And tell me what's wrong."

"I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble. I didn't wanted to. I didn't knew that I would fall sick. I just went for a walk to clear my head and then and then."

"Listen to me. You didn't caused us any troubles. But you shouldn't have got out in the rain. You almost died. We were so worried about you. Dont put me through that again."

"I I wont."

"Okay. Now I'm gonna call Anna and she'll check you. And then we'll get you something to eat. You must be hungry."

"No not really."

"You have to eat anyway. You need to have your meds too."

Dr.Anna checked me. She said I was better than last night and then she removed my IV which was again very painful. I liked her. She was very nice to me and also told me that she was proud of me even after all that crying. I requested Alex that I wanted to meet Nate and apologize. He said yes. Then he called Elsa who helped me to the bathroom. I was still weak because of the fever. She supported me and helped me change. When I stepped out of the bathroom all the medical equipment was gone and the blood covered sheets were replaced with the light grey ones.
I sat on my bed contemplating on what to do now when I heard a knock. I murmured a small come in. In walked Nate with a bowl of soup placed in a tray.

"Hey little one. How are you feeling?" He was so good to me even when I did a horrible thing to him.

"I'm so sorry Nate. I didn't know what I was saying or doing. I shouldn't have blamed you like that. Please don't be mad at me. Please."

"Little one I can never be mad at you. Even if I try to I cant. You just had a bad dream that's it. It's all in the past. Dont think about. Just remember one thing I'll never hurt you nor let anyone else hurt you okay. I promise."

"Thank you Nate." He just smiled at me.

He then fed me the chicken soup as my arm was still in a lot of pain. It had swollen a bit. Nate then rubbed some ice on it and gave me my medication. I saw my phone lying on the table next to me. I checked the date and time. It had been 5 days since I left Australia and 7 days since I saw him. I cannot put it off anymore. I had to call him soon. I just needed a chance when no one was around. Thay cannot know.

Alexander  Wright

I sent Kat to freshen up and made my way downstairs. I saw everyone on the dinner table having lunch. We all missed breakfast. I was bombarded with questions as I sat on my chair.

"She's fine guys. She has fever but nothing complicated. Take a day off today from the office. And Nate she asked for you. She wants to see you."

"Really. She does?" His eyes lightened up like a 5 year old.

"Yeah. I asked Mrs.Robins to make her soup for lunch. Take it to her and make sure she finishes it." He nodded and left.

"Alex can I talk to you? Its urgent."

"Sure. What's it about?"

"Its about Katherine's blood work." Everyone froze. I composed myself.

"What about it?"

"Well her reports are all messed up. She's deficient in almost all the nutrients. Her haemoglobin is 6.2. Its staggeringly low. By the looks of it she looks neglected. I mean I dont have a specialization in nutrition. So I suggest you get an appointment with a dietitian. A good one. And I'll start filling her medical records from now on for future reference. That is if you approve of me as her doctor."

"Ofcourse I do Anna. Ill get in touch with the best nutritionist of London and fix an appointment soon. Thank you for bringing this under my attention."

"No problem. You don't have to thank me. It's my duty." She glanced at Hayden.

We resumed our lunch. Something was seriously off. And the fact that I didn't know it made me mad. I excused myself once I was done. And called my P.I.

"What the fuck Adrian? I gave you one job. One job. And you haven't given me the slightest piece of fucking information."

"Yeah. One job. One job in AUSTRALIA." He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Look Adrian. I need results soon."

"Tell me if I have failed you even once. I'm trying my best but she's closed off. Even her mother."

"Dont call her that. Just give me something okay. My patience is running thin."

"Okay. I'll do something. Give me 2 days. OK."

"Fine. But hurry up." I cut the call after that. Adrian was one of the most trusted friend of mine. He had a 100% success rate. He was getting frustrated too.

I cant just sit around. I have to try to get something out of her.

I was about to knock on her door. When I heard something. She was talking to someone. But I couldn't hear the second voice. I pressed me ear to the door. Oh God I feel like a teenager trying to get some gossip.

"Look I know that you care for me. And I appreciate it. But I'm fine." She paused probable listening to the other person.

"No you will do no such thing. You cant-"

"What do you mean you have to?"

"You'll never be able to get to reach them. They are rich and powerful people. They wont believe you." Was she talking about us?

"No. You are not. If you were on my side you wouldn't want to fuck this up for me."

"They don't have to know. They dont need to know."

"Stop it. Stop pretending with me. This ends here."


The conversation ended. Brandon. Who can he be? Boyfriend? I have to get this to Adrian.

I finally knocked on her door.

"Come in."

"Feeling better?"


"Good. Take rest. Dont stress yourself okay."


"I heard something. Were you talking to someone?" She froze on hearing this.

"Meh..m-me? No-no I I wasn't." She was lying. It was so obvious.

"Ok. No worries. Take care. I'll see you later." She just gave me a nervous nod.

I went to my office and called him.

"Adrian. I might have a lead."

Hello readers. 300+ reads. I'm exploding. Thank you so much.
Who's Brandon? Any guesses. Do comment and keeping loving.
Lots of love

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