Chapter 1: My Story

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Katherine Jane
"Mom are you going somewhere?" I asked her.
"AGHH. Does it matter? Who are you to question me? Stay in your bloody limits brat. Isn't it enough that I have to see your stupid self everyday. Just get out of my face." She said and shoved me in the wall. Ouch. That hurt. The push or the talk. Umm both. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It's not the first time if you are wondering. Let's say it's on an hourly basis. Still surprised she hasn't kicked me out yet. My mom is a little tough to handle but I love her cause she is my mom. I dont hate her she has her reasons. I am a disappointment to her and maybe I'm to everyone but I dont have people around me to judge that.

I look at the retrieving figure of my mom and she closes the door with a thud.God knows where she was going. I take a look at my shoulder that collided with the wall. Ah already blue around the edges. Well its not her fault I bruise easily. Totally forgot to introduce myself 

I'm Katharine Jane. I just turned 15 two months ago. I live with my mom in Australia. I have no idea who my father is. He never tried to reach out to me. Nothing new. I live a very ordinary life. My mom earns just enough. She provides for my studies. That's enough for me. My mom is not attached to me and I don't have friends. I'm more among the freaks of my school.

I'm 5'5. I have chesnut brown hair and hazel brown eyes something I might have acquired from my father because my mom has black eyes. I'm thin. And I have depression. Kinda figured it out didn't you?

I'm good at studies and I love art. I paint and draw. Helps with the anxiety and all. I save a lot of lunch money to buy art supplies. Apparently buying art supplies for me is a luxury which my mom cant afford. I'm fine with it. No one is complaining here. My art is a bit on the darker side. I express myself through it. Paper is a good friend. Let's me went out my emotions and doesn't even judge. Like what can be better than that.

I'm a dog lover. I don't have one. But I used play a little bit with the street dogs and feed them biscuits that was until mom found out about it and stopped buying biscuits at all. So I don't go to them anymore. Cant disappoint more souls now can I.

So that's pretty much it. I glance at the clock. 7PM. Geez. I have to cook dinner for mom. I started preparing the meal. My train of thoughts takes off once again. Why is my life like this? Is asking for a little bit love a big deal? Is this how its always going to be? Will I ever be able to put end to this misery they call life?

I heard a knock on the door. Mom always has keys. Did she forget them? Wait did they just shout Police. Oh God. What's going on.

I slowly opened the door. "May I help you?"

"Hi sweetie. Are you Katharine Jane?" The police lady asked.

"Yes that's me." I answered hesitantly.

"Is anybody else home?"

"No its just me. What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry to inform you but your mom met with an accident. She died on impact."

Oh God. This cant be happening to me. I instantly broke into tears. OMG. I no longer paid attention to what the police lady was saying. My trance was broken when she slightly shook me.

"Is there anyone I can call to come and get you?"

"No we dont have anyone else. It was just me and mom."

"Okay. Do you know someone by the name Henry Voscov?"

"I think that is my mom's friend. I dont know much about him. Why?" It was getting harder for me to answer by every passing moment but I knew I had to co operate.

"I dont know how to tell you honey but your mom and henry were planning to leave the country tonight. They had a good amount of cash. By the looks of her luggage we can say that she was gonna flee country. Without you. Did you knew about any of this?"

She was finally gonna leave me. Alone. In this place where I knew no one. All by myself. I'm not even surprised. I knew this was gonna happen sooner or later. I think this will help me getting a closure from my mom. But what about me now? Was I gonna end up in a foster system or an orphanage? Because as long as I remember I dont have anyone else.

"Katherine it's best to call social services right now. We will take you to the station now okay. You can grab a pair of clothes or something since its night time. I'll wait right here." I could just give a slight nod.

I went to my room which was actually a maid's room because mom didn't allow me using the other one. I grabbed a pair of my only jeans and a t shirt. I put them in my bag pack along with my diary. My diary is my oxygen. I cannot get through an event without writing about it. And I just had a lot to write about today. My feelings of loss and pain were too overwhelming. This pink diary was a gift from someone close to my heart. The only person in the whole world who cared about me. But I didn't want to call him. I cannot do that. I cant let anyone know about him.

I quickly stuffed it all in my bagpack. I had ran out of art supplies a month ago and I was still collecting the lunch money. I also did a job as a waitress in a cafe near my home. She was an old lady. She was very kind. She passed away a 2 weeks ago. Leaving me jobless.

I think it's time to grab the emergency fund. I had saved 700 dollars for a time when things could go extremely south like right now. This was the rock bottom of my life now. What can be worse than this? The only things remaining were my paintings. I decided to grab them too. I didn't want to come back here. Too many memories can be bad for me. Especially when none of them are worth remembering.

This is it. This is my story

Hello readers! Do comment and tell me how it was. Please give a vote. Also how do you feel about Katherine? You can suggest changes in the comment section.
Lots of love, 
The writer

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