Chapter 18: Hospital

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Alexander Wright

" I don't want a surgery. Noo." Kat said between her sobs. She was terrified of an IV. And here we are talking surgery. God this is gonna be so difficult.

"Baby its nothing will be done before you know. Please understand."

"I know what's appendicitis! I dont want a surgery. Give me a medicine of something!"
She whined. She was getting really upset.

"Sweetie you need the surgery. We cant waste anymore time. It has to be done within 24 hours once the symptoms begin to show. We already lost 4. If we dont do this the appendix can rupture and you will be in all the more pain." Anna explained her trying to calm her.

"Alex we should get her admitted." Anna said in a small voice.

"NO! No hospitals." She whined again.

"Baby listen. I'll be there with you the whole time. Besides this is the most basic surgery. You will be all good in no time."

"Why does this keep happening to me?" She sobbed and started crying all the more. How am I supposed to handle this? I dont do good with sick people.

"Ok Kat. Let's just take a breath and calm down okay. If you agree to this I promise I'll give you a beautiful gift." Its like cracking a buisness deal.

"I dont want a gift. I dont want a surgery."

"Please Kat. Dont make this hard on us. I can't see you like this. You told me you know what appendicitis is so you know what will happen if we dont get the surgery done. I promise I'll be there the whole time. I wont go to office till you get back home. I promise."

She was thinking about it for a while and then slowly said ok. We all sighed in relief. I told the twins to pack her some stuff she might need. I had to call the hospital and tell them to secure the floor. We had a private floor in the hospital as I was one of the board members and the chief knew me very well.

Once everything was done I slowly picked up Kat in my arms as she was in so much pain and needed comfort. Me and Leo were going in one car along with Joseph while Hayden was bringing the others. Kat was really getting nervous about the whole ordeal. Her head was in my lap. Once we reached the hospital. The nurses came and Kat lied down on the gurney and they took her to her room. Our room was spacious. It had a comfortable bed for the patient and 2 big couches for the visitors along with a coffee table. Kat wouldn't let go of my hand. I stepped out of the room while the nurse helped Kat change into her hospital gown.

Now came the difficult part. The IV. I told her to hold my hand and squeeze it. I put her head in my chest so she couldn't look at it.
When the needle pierced her skin she screamed loudly. I held her tightly and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. Anna and another senior doctor were gonna perform the surgery. They came in to check her. They asked her questions. Then I went outside to talk with her doctor.

"Hello Mr.Wright I'm Dr.Shane. I'll be performing Katherine's surgery. We'll  have to perform a sonography to get a more clear picture of the situation. You have nothing to worry about. Appendicitis is very common. I will put her on some mild pain medication for now. Then once the sonography results come back we will decide whether we want to go with laparoscopy or open appendectomy. Then we will do her tests. And if everything comes back normal we will operate in 3 hours from now. Any questions you would like to ask?"

"Well what's the difference between laparoscopy and open surgery?"

"In laparoscopy we will make a small incision on her stomach near the appendix and then we will put in a camera and remove the appendix. In open surgery we will open the skin flap and remove the appendix. Laparoscopy leaves a very tiny scar. Its easier and I will discharge her in 2 days. She can return to her normal lifestyle in 2 to 3 weeks."

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