Chapter 21: Tennis

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Katherine Wright

"Alex!" I said and went to him. He pulled me into a hug.

"Hey baby. How was your day?" He asked.

"It was nice. What are you doing here?" I asked quickly.

"Well I'm here to pick you up. And take you out to eat something."

"You really came to pick me up?" I asked happily.

"Of course I did. I had to know the details of your day before the rest of us." He said holding my face in his palms.

We hopped in the car.

"Hey Joseph."

"Hello miss Katherine. Hope you had a wonderful day."

"My day got wonderful when Alex showed up." I said smiling at him.

"I love you my little sister. Why are you so cute?" He said and smiled a bit.

"So tell me about your day. Did the twins take care of you? Did you make new friends? Who are they? Nobody was rude right?"

"Slow down. Slow down. I'll tell you everything. The twins came up to check on me a lot of times and they did scare my friends a bit but nothing I couldn't handle. I made quite a few friends. Well my first class was maths. That's where I met Matteo. He's really nice-"

"Wait Bradford?"

"Yeah. How do you know him?"

"Well his father and I are buisness associates. He's a good guy. Nice family and background. You can be friends with him." I gave him a look but didn't push it.

"And then there is Val and Ness. They are twins. They are really nice. Not the snobby type. Then there is Cole too. They all are nice. They welcomed me with open arms."

"Cole?" I understood his tone.

"He's gay."

"I didn't say anything."

"You did. In your head." I said in an irritated voice.

"Fine. I'm just concerned for you. Boys your age are very immature and I dont want you to get hurt in any way. Understand our concern."

"I know. Besides you have nothing to worry about. I'm not ready for a relationship at all. I'm happy with my family. And I'm still adjusting to this new lifestyle. I rather spend my time with you guys rather than some fling whose gonna break my heart. So you have nothing to worry about."

"That's like my sister." He said and pulled me into a sideway hug. We talked about my classes. I had chosen art, literature and French besides main subjects. I had also taken an extra class for Law as I was intrested in becoming a lawyer. Alex was very happy about my passion for it. That reminds me:

"Alex tryouts are gonna start from tomorrow."

"Oh no no. No sports for another 2 weeks." He said shaking his finger in a no manner.

"Oh common alex. You cant do that. I dont want to miss it. Besides it's been 3 weeks. I'm perfectly fine now. Pleaseeee." I said making that face.

"Stop making that face. Fine I'll call Anna and ask but if she says there is even a slightest risk I wont allow it."

"Okay promise."

He called Anna all the while holding disapproval for my demand. But to my luck Anna said yes. And he hesitantly obliged.

"What are you gonna try for?"

"Well tomorrow Cheerleading and then on Thursday Tennis."

"Cheerleading? I didn't know you liked it."

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