Chapter 38: Goodbye

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Katherine Wright

I woke up to the colorful birds chirping on the railing of my balcony. It was a warm and sunny morning. I got up and took a shower. It was 9AM. I'm late for breakfast. I quickly slipped on a yellow sun dress along with grey sandals.

I quickly rushed downstairs to find everyone sitting for breakfast

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I quickly rushed downstairs to find everyone sitting for breakfast. Dad was weary his apron which said DAD#1.

"Good morning everyone." I chirped happily and went inside the kitchen to grab an apple. Dad hugged me.

"Good morning sweetheart. Had a nice sleep?"

"Uhmm." I said biting the apple.

"Go sit with your brothers. I'm making crepes and waffles." Our whole family was big for breakfast. We could skip any meal of the day but not breakfast. Soon the table was laid with fruits and juice. Crepes and waffles with lots of nutella. We had a fulfilling breakfast. Believe it or not we all needed this. To forget all our problems and just enjoy our time together.

"Um before I forget here you go Kat."

I immediately recognized the present. It was the gift I got for my father for Christmas.

"You remembered? Thank you Alex."

"Your welcome baby."

Soon dad joined us.

"Dad this is something I got you for Christmas. Alex kept it for safe keeping. So I hope you like it."

He quickly tore the brown paper. And then he saw it. I had painted a picture of him. I had his picture and I just imagined him and my hand just moved across the canvas.

"Its so beautiful. Did you paint this?"

"Yeah." I said shyly.

"Its amazing. You know what I'm gonna hang this right now in my room." We all laughed at his eagerness.

The island was beautiful. Every 2 weeks a couple appointed by Alex would come and bring all the necessities for dad and clean the house. Dad had a lot of pets too. He had 2 horses, an aquarium full of so many fishes, a bulldog whose name was Paco. He and baeu could have been great friends. Dad knew almost anything and everything. If I were to be alone on this island even for 2 days I would have gone full blown crazy. But dad was so calm and composed. He had an internet connection so he would mostly spend his time watching some series, reading books, working out. At 51 he was very fit. He had a muscular body. Except for the grey stubble on his face, he could easily be mistaken as our older brother.

We had so much fun. Dad tried to teach me to ride a horse. Keyword Tried. The horse loved me but my clumsy ass couldn't last on his back for 2 minutes straight. But I had a great time.

We went camping in the forest, did barbeques, played beach ball and so much. And before I knew 18 days were over. Just like that.

I never got to say goodbye to anyone. Not to my real mom, or the person who I called mom for 15 years of my life and I was always upset that I never got to say a goodbye but today I got to. And I hated it. Just in a matter of days I had grown so close to my father that parting from him was heartbreaking. I cried for hours.  My dad tried to comfort me but I wasn't having it. He said we would meet next year but it was too long. He gave me my mother's favorite ring as a memory. It was her gift when they came to know they were having me. It was very pretty.

Dad said that we would be together soon once everything falls in place

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Dad said that we would be together soon once everything falls in place. I didn't know what that meant but I didn't bother.

We were back in London ready to resume our regular routines. As soon as I entered my home, Beau jumped on me and started licking my face.

"Hey buddy. My baby I missed you so much. Thank you Mrs.Robins for looking after him."

"No problem honey. Hope you enjoyed your holidays."

"I did." Beau was moving around me in circles.

Everything soon got back to how it was. In no time we were in June ready for Seb and Silas's graduation. We all were very proud of them. It was also emotional. And then Alex threw a surprise party for them. It was happening party and talk of the town for weeks. The music and everything. We all went crazy. Time was passing by very soon.

And soon it was July 1st. We were sitting at the dinning table enjoying Chinese take out.

"Hey it's your 16th birthday this 17th July. What do you wanna do for your sweet sixteen? A yatch party or throw a fancy ball or something like the tins graduation party? You started planning right?" Nate asked. I stiffened at his question.

"I um dont want a celebration." That grabbed Alex' attention.

"Why would you want that? It's your16th. Girls love their sweet 16. Dont you want a nice party with your friends?" On hearing this my eyes instantly shifted to the ring on my finger. My mother's ring. How could I celebrate on the day she died saving me? Maybe celebrating birthday is not for me.

"I know what you are thinking baby."

"I cant Alex. I cant celebrate."

"I get it. I do. But think about her. Would she be be happy if her only daughter wont be celebrating her birthday because of her. If she would be here he would be crying by now. She loved planning our birthdays. I had a birthday party every year till I turned 15. Even though it would annoy us but we knew it gave her happiness. So trust me she will be very happy." I gave it a fair thought. I would do anything that would make her happy.

"Okay then I guess. But I dont want something big. We all will just go for a dinner or something. Maybe cut a cake. And please no going overboard with your presents. In fact dont buy me presents at all." They all grunted. But agreed.

We had our dinner. I did some homework and slept it off.

Here we go dear Birthday.

Hello dear readers. No dont hit me with rotten tomatoes and plastic cans. I have a reason. Remember how I was in the hospital. And then when I went for a checkup they found a brain bleeder resulting me staying another week at the hospital.
And then someone very dear to me passed away. I faced a lot of grief. I lost my direction in this book and had serious lack of inspiration. But when I woke up today morning I was determined to write a chapter and regularize my updates. So hopefully we will frequent updates from now on. I already started working on the next chapter. I hope y'all understand.
I love you guys. Also we crossed 150k reads. Yayyy
Lots of love
Writer ❤

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